Don Matteo 12: reruns from tonight on Rai 1, previews

S.A few days have passed since Raoul Bova temporarily sent the cassock in which he plays Don Massimo to the attic. Looking forward to next season, tonight – at 21.25 on Rai 1 – will go on the air the reruns of Don Matteo 12the last one that saw the beloved protagonist from beginning to end Terence Hill.

There first episodeby title You will have no other God besides mefocuses on the marriage between Anna and Marcobut the unexpected is just around the corner.

Don Matteo 12, plot of the first episode

In Spoleto preparations are underway for the wedding of Captain Olivieri (Maria Chiara Giannetta) and the Public Prosecutor Nardi (Maurizio Lastrico). The two are happy, in love and can’t wait to swear eternal love, but a few days before the fateful yes, Marco discovers that his future wife has received a job offer at the Islamabad embassyin Pakistan.

Anna has been aware of this for two months, but has not uttered a word. An attitude that hurts Marco, who begins to think that, after all, Olivieri is not made for couple relationships, because she is too focused on her work. An altercation arises, which leads to the breakup. Overwhelmed by disappointment, Nardi gets drunk and spends the night with Sara Santanastasi (Serena Iansiti)the new chief prosecutor of the Umbrian town.

Nonetheless, a few days later the story between the captain and the PM picks up where it left off, but Marco is overwhelmed by feelings of guilt. Try confessing the betrayalbut he succeeds – at the insistence of the Marshal Cecchini (Nino Frassica) – alone on their wedding day, in church, seconds before the ceremony begins. In spite of Marco’s hopes, Anna escapes from the church and thus writes the final word on their history.

Cecchini gets engaged to Elisa

Meanwhile, Spoleto is the scene of another shocking fact: the kidnapping of the son of an esteemed surgeon, Antonio Cortesi (Giovanni Scifoni). To score the blow is Jordi (Pasquale Di Nuzzo)a student of the school of Sofia (Mariasole Pollio), hired by the child’s mother, Valeria (Fiorenza Pieri).

The woman wants to take her son to London to make him attend a dance school. The child, however, has a heart disease and his father would like to have him undergo an operation to implant a valve of his own invention. Shortly after, Valeria is found in a ravine, almost dying, and the suspicions immediately focus on the surgeon.

don matteo 12 plot replicas


The investigations of Don Matteo (Terence Hill) will help the Carabinieri to discover the true author of the attempted murder: Luca Di Fiore (Alessandro Buroni), assistant to the doctorwho had discovered irregularities in the protocols for testing the valve.

There first episode of Don Matteo 12 also reserves space for the other protagonists of the series. Between these, Marshal Cecchini. Two years after his wife’s death, begins a relationship with Elisa (Pamela Villoresi), Anna’s mother. The two do not know how to tell the captain and it will be the beginning of a series of misunderstandings that will lead to the truth anyway.

Fabio Rovazzi guest star of the first episode

In addition to the kidnapping and marriage, the Umbrian city has to face a further unforeseen event. A mysterious benefactor distributes thousands of euros around the city inside some boxes, to be found during a treasure hunt. The news spread quickly and Spoleto was filled with tourists. In the chaos of the city, someone shoots Don Matteo, who gets away with a few scratches and a brief hospitalization.

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The perpetrator of the attempted murder is Giulio Manzi (Fabio Rovazzi), a documentary maker animated by the desire to avenge his mother, who died years earlier after confessing a betrayal to her husband. Don Matteo had advised the woman.

