Dominique Metzger: “I work to be my best version”

“What you see is what you get,” he says Dominique Metzger referring to the naturalness with which it is shown on camera. A quality that stands out in her work as a host of our afternoon by TN and from telenoche next to nelson castro by The Thirteen

Dominique says that she has built her life and career one step at a time, meeting her goals, and that she has no major outstanding debts. She recognizes herself as positive, empathetic, in a good mood, someone who knows how to listen and work as a team. She is also very anxious, “disappointed” and short-sighted.

He comes from a blended family —he has eight siblings— and inherited from his parents —Edgardo Metzger and María Cristina González, journalistic producer and commercial producer— his vocation for communication.

In January, she was blessed with hosting the El Trece historical newscast. A challenge for which she has been preparing consciously and unconsciously for fifteen years: “I am privileged,” she tells NEWS.

News: If you had to introduce yourself, what characteristics of yours would you highlight?

Dominique Metzger: Journalist, driver, close to the one on the other side, empathetic, someone who could be a relative of yours.

News: Natural

metzger: Exact. What you see is what you get in the best sense, I’m like that, people tell me that a lot.

News: Her two passions are communication and cooking. He first studied gastronomy and worked in a hostel in southern Argentina.

metzger: Yes, it was a very isolated place and you could only get there by boat. It was a very strong experience, I realized that it was not the path I wanted to follow. I love cooking, but I didn’t really enjoy it. Journalism is without a doubt my vocation.

News: In fact, when he came back from the south, he asked his dad to work with him, who at the time was the producer of Breakfast.

metzger: Yes, I started with my dad answering phones and being a production assistant, very low, and there a whole world opened up to me that I already knew from my parents.

News: Is journalism a love, a passion?

Metzer: One Love. I put my soul into my work, I do it with a lot of responsibility and it forms a large part of my life. I dedicate a lot of time to it because I love it.

News: And how was the way to get here?

metzger: Long, I have fifteen years in the channel, I started as a street reporter, from twelve at night to seven in the morning, making a replacement, and I was taking my steps. I really wanted to enter the channel, I had come several times to leave the curriculum, but nothing happened. My journey has been beautiful and solid, I was a reporter in the afternoon, then a reporter for Telenoche, and when I arrived at Telenoche I was already happy, but then driving appeared and I was also excited.

News: Did you dream of getting to the Telenoche driving?

metzger: Internally yes, but it was a very big dream. I am in the place that all my life I dreamed of. But on the other hand, he told me: “Don’t get so big, stop.”

News: Did it take you by surprise?

metzger: Yes. He had been making the replacements in the summer several years ago, but historically the one who makes the replacement is never the starter. I thought it was not going to happen anymore, it was really surprising for me.

News: What are the challenges posed by the newscast?

metzger: Telenoche is a place of great prestige, history, which has deep roots in Argentine society. In recent years, for different reasons, the audiences have changed, they have gone down, people have more offers to find out about the news. The challenge is to recover the Telenoche viewer and do it with my personality.

News: What imprint do you want to give it?

Metzger: Empathy, commitment, being entertaining, giving it credibility. Sometimes people think that we travel by car with a driver and in my case it is not so. It is still hard for me to make ends meet today, I still have debts, I live in the neighborhood of my whole life (Villa Devoto) I do my shopping there, I go around, I look for prices and people have always known me. It is important that Telenoche once again have that complicity with the public, understand what people are talking about and get closer to the real problems.

News: How does the duo work with Nelson Castro?

metzger: Spectacular. He is a great companion, a prestige to be by his side. We are both very enthusiastic, we come early, we review the production, there is a great team that works a lot. It is a constant learning to be by Nelson’s side due to experience and quality of person. He is a journalist with integrity and that is extremely valuable today, I respect him a lot.

News: Did Santo Biasatti call you when you were appointed?

metzger: Yes, I love him very much, we talk every once in a while, he’s a great advisor too. He was super happy for me, he thought it was a wise and nice decision on the part of the channel, he congratulated me and told me that he was proud of it.

News: He has also been in contact with Mónica and César.

metzger: Yes, from time to time I spoke with them, and now with Mónica, always encouraging me since I was a chronicler and marking things well for me. They told me never to lose my authenticity and my naturalness.

News: Is it true that Mónica and César began their love affair at their parents’ house?

metzger: Yes, at my parents’ house there were meetings and one night they got together for dinner and my dad put on slow songs for Mónica and César to dance together because he already saw that there was a wave there. That night they danced, they left together and the rest is history.

News: How much does the issue of rating weigh for you?

Metzger: It has its weight, but it is not a determining factor. The important thing today is to put together a group, a team, consolidate ourselves and grow from there.

News: What did your father pass on to you regarding journalistic work?

metzger: From my parents I learned what it is to work with happiness. They both worked very hard, but I never saw them in a bad mood. And that was transmitted to me as a legacy.

News: How are you treated on social media?

metzger: At ninety percent and ten points and there is a ten percent that is aggressive and mistreats me. Sometimes I ignore, block and cancel and other times I respond because I don’t want to let it go. Sometimes it affects me, of course.

News: These attacks have to do with what issues?

metzger: They attack me for physical or bodily reasons or because they consider that I have a certain political thought or because they heard me say something and they were outraged. Sometimes I’m also wrong with what I say on air and when I’m wrong I apologize.

News: What happens to you with your image?

Metzger: In general, I get along super well with my image, I see myself and I like myself, but there are other days when I have a bit of a slump and I don’t like it at allI don’t like what I’m wearing or how I look on camera. I think it should also happen to models and super divine mines. Imagine for the rest of us that we are normal.

News: How is your self-esteem in general?

Metzger: I’m quite critical of myself., much more than I say: “Good Domi, you were good.” Today I am having a very good moment, very nice. TOYes, I have a good, high self-esteem.

News: Are you in a relationship?

metzger: No. Today all my energy is put into my work, I think it would be difficult for me to be in a relationship because of everything that consumes me at work. And I don’t know if all men bank on that. I’m not alone either, I have a good time but I don’t want commitment.

News: And motherhood?

metzger: It is not a topic today for me. It does not reveal me nor is it a pending account. It did not happen until now and, well, what do I know, life will have. If tomorrow I have to be a mother, great.

News: What do you do outside of work?

metzger: I am very homemade, I like to watch series, movies, cook dinners, game nights, invite friends. I go to their house, from time to time to an event, and I like to play sports.

News: What are your main dishes in the kitchen?

metzger: Fish, risottos, sweet things come out well for me too, and I’m an improviser, I open the fridge and see what I have and with that I’m going to make a delicious dish for sure.

News: A while ago I was talking about happiness. Do you have a good time in general?

Metzger: Yes, I am privileged with everything that I am experiencing. Very lucky. It’s not that everything is fine, I have stress, a constant demand, I lack time, but when I finish and close the day I have a precious group, between my family and my friends, some of my whole life, that contains me.

News: Are you satisfied with the person you are and with what you have built so far?

Metzger: I work to be my best version. It took me a while to understand what that was, I wasn’t so clear. It was a path of introspection of knowing, understanding and really wanting and working to be the best Dominique.

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