Dominique (31) does mermaid swimming: ‘Work-out for the whole body’ | Lifestyle

We all know the Disney classic The Little Mermaid, in which mermaid Ariel trades her fins for legs in hopes of finding the prince of her dreams. Dominique Bolk does it the other way around: as mermaid Dominique she puts her legs in a mermaid fin. Admittedly not to find her prince, but as a hobby and to make children happy.

“As a child I was fascinated by mermaids and fairy tales: there is something elegant and mythical about it. Once an adult I let that go a bit. Around 2015 I discovered that mermaid swimming was a sport.” The sport was especially active in America. There she also found a company that made affordable tails via the worldwide web.


She bought one and a whole new world opened up to her. “At the same time, I was also afraid of being ridiculed. Fortunately, I have never experienced it directly myself, but you notice in news items and events that some people do not fully understand it and find it a bit childish.”

Bolk can also be hired for events such as fantasy fairs or children’s parties. There is a lot of preparation beforehand. After all, it’s not just the tail, but also hair and makeup that makes a mermaid. Her wardrobe now has six different fins. A hybrid monofin for 1000 euros, made of silicone neoprene – the material that diving suits are also made from – that she can enter with two feet. Similar to flippers and with a zipper, it is then attached to her body. The others are of cloth; lighter and therefore easier to carry. All with different colors such as orange with blue, light blue and rainbow colors.

Once every few months she dives into the water. To entertain people, but also together with fellow mermaids as a sport. The undulating movement that must be made with the whole body to move forward is a good workout that uses all the muscles. You must also be able to hold your breath well, because tricks are also performed under water. There are also speed competitions, such as regular competitive swimming in lanes.

“The best thing about mermaid swimming is those surprised faces. In addition, it is aesthetically beautiful with tricks such as underwater rollovers and I am creatively challenged to make my look as beautiful as possible. It is also super good for my body. But also spiritually: I always relax when I’m underwater. It is beautiful and quiet, you are completely isolated from the outside world. It is very graceful and elegant, a unique sport.”

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