Domien Verschuuren lashes out at major competitor: ‘Shameless!’

Domien Verschuuren, one of the stars of Qmusic, lashes out at major competitor NPO Radio 2. He thinks the station behaves like a real copy cat. “This is shameless.”

© Qmusic

It disturbs Domien Verschuuren immensely that he is currently hearing the cry ‘summer on your radio’ on NPO Radio 2, because that has also been called for years on Radio 538. A slogan is an important aspect of the surf of a radio station and then of course you are not happy if you hear exactly the same from the major competitor.

Long brainstorm

Domien blames it. He climbs into the Twitter pen and says: “It’s special how shamelessly NPO Radio 2 is trying to claim the slogan ‘summer on your radio’ (from Radio 538 for years now). Must have been a long brainstorm! 🌞”

Using the same slogan on different radio stations detracts from each station’s unique identity. And that can lead to confusion for the listener. Domien sarcastically: “It is said that ‘one station, all hits’ has been dropped.”

All jungles

One Cat wonders how unique this ‘slogan’ actually is. “Are they trying to claim it (??) or just using the term? (Didn’t Veronica already have something like that in the past?) In addition: if we start thinking about who has ever used the first statement first, then the end will not be lost, will it? It’s called better well stolen, isn’t it?”

Domien: “They sing it in all the jingles.”

Radio columnist Patrick Kicken: “How about shouting ‘the list of lists’ during the Top 2000… NPO Radio 2 depends on copied success. Only miss The Wrong Hour, can never last much longer.”

Time for something new

KINK DJ Tim Op het Broek thinks it’s a very boring slogan. “Before 538, it belonged to Veronica for years. In public time.”

Domina: “Yeah. We all know where 538 came from, right? Plus, it was never used side by side, I’m guessing.”

Tim: “Right! Just want to point out that it has been around for far too long.”

Domen: “Haha. Yes, time for something new!!”

Walter responds

NPO Radio 2 DJ Wouter van der Goes responds to Domien’s accusation. He points out that his station isn’t using this for the first time at all. “I think you may be mistaken a little bit. Because before 538 that fairly general term was already used. And it doesn’t concern all jingles either. Couple of summer things. We have been using it for some time (in the summer). X”

Domien: “It’s in the toth (top of the hour, the jingle that is used on the hour, ed.), Wout. Come on haha. I understand that you defend it, but isn’t it a bit strange that you use the same summer slogan as 538? 🤨”

Not original

Then Wouter admits: “Well, I don’t defend anything at all and Idk, it’s not very original. But neither was 538. Was already used for that. That’s my point. Piece of facts to colleague.”

Domien: “I like to be corrected and brushed up on Veronica!”

Walter: “But…. I’m not sure but even for VOO… I thought KRO or Vara or something. At least in the Hilversum 3 time. Take a look at me.”


The slogan discussion:
