Domien has never received nudes: ‘A bit of a shame’ | Stars

In a new episode of PodBast says Domien, who says he ‘lives on Instagram’, that although he receives a lot of private messages on social media, there is never a photo of a woman in a eva costume.

„So I have never nudes got,” reveals the 34-year-old radio DJ. When presenter Bastiaan Meijer asks whether he is disappointed about this, Domien confesses: “A bit. I hear all kinds of stories of men sending dick pics, I don’t know if that is also the case with women – that they breast pics to steer. But I never got them.”


Domien is sometimes asked to go to the pub. “I sometimes get messages from ladies who ask if I’m going to drink a gin and tonic with them. I never really go into that. Because now I’m in love anyway, and I don’t have room for that. But, I don’t know… I find it very flattering, but I’ve never really felt the need for it. If someone is nice, she is nice. And whether I run into her in the pub or on Instagram, it doesn’t matter that much.”

However, anyone who has the ambition to conquer Domien’s heart through a dating app will be disappointed. “I had Tinder on my phone for a month, and one date came out. It just doesn’t work for me. I would prefer to meet someone.”
