Domenico De Masi died at the age of 85 from an illness. The carreer

Professor emeritus at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” with a clear vision of the world of work

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The world of culture was shocked by the news of the sociologist’s death Domenico De Masi, which took place in Rome. De Masi, emeritus professor of Sociology of Work at the Sapienza University of Rome, passed away at the age of 85.

Domenico De Masi died of an illness

His disappearance occurred following a invasive and fulminant disease, diagnosed last August. To break the news, Ithe Daily Facta newspaper with which he had a collaboration.

a beacon on the world of work

De Masi was a pioneer in the field of themes socio-organizational and contributed to the analysis of post-industrial society. He has written dozens of books for important publishing houses; among the most recent publications are included Smart working: The intelligent work revolution (Marsilio, 2020) e Happiness denied (Einaudi, 2022). His career was mainly focused on on study and teaching, but his influence extended far beyond academic boundaries. Born in Molise and raised between Campania and Umbria, De Masi traveled extensively throughout Italy. He also enjoyed the honorary citizenship of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, where he held several conferences. His academic training led him to graduate in Law in Perugia in 1960, with a thesis on the history of law. Subsequently, he specialized in Sociology of Labor in Paris. However, it was in Naples that he began his academic career, working as an assistant at the chair of Sociology at Federico II and as a researcher at the “North and South” study center directed by Giuseppe Galasso. De Masi then worked in Milan with the company CMF of the IRI-Finsider group, and then moved to Rome in 1966, where he became a professor and consultant of Sociology of Work at the IFAP. He has lectured at various universities, including the Federico II of Naples, the University of Sassari and the Orientale of Naples. Subsequently, he held various positions at the University The Wisdom of Romealso becoming Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences.

creative idleness

De Masi developed a new post-industrial sociological paradigm. In his view, during the 20th century, the action of technological progress, globalization, the spread of mass media and mass education have given rise to a new type of society focused on the production of information, services and aesthetics. A profound transformation that has led to new economic models, and above all to new ways of sharing free time and forms of coexistence. De Masi promoted the idea of ​​the so-called “creative leisure”, a concept that combines work, study and play. A great supporter of smart working during the Covid-19 pandemic, De Masi has however criticized this modality if released from the time flexibility and final goals well defined. His intellectual contribution was also invaluable regarding the citizen’s income and was often an inspiration for the policies of the 5 Star Movement. His death represents a significant loss for Italian sociology and culture.
