Dollar: the most searched on Google and the hashtag that dominates on Twitter

During the last seven days, the word “dollar” was one of the most searched in Google Argentina, reaching the number 100, that is, the maximum value of popularity according to the search site itself. The peak occurred on July 20 at 3:00 p.m. and the largest searches for this term came from the City of Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos, province of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, and La Pampa. Other related queries were “blue dollar today July 20”, “tourist dollar”, “saving dollar” and “Why does the dollar go up”.

In the last 24 hours, the word “dollar” had more than 35,000 mentions on Twitter alone, a platform used by several politicians to express themselves in the face of this economic situation that the country is experiencing. What did they say? The Together for Change account published a statement expressing its “concern about the worsening of the crisis that we Argentines are experiencing.”

Mauricio Macri He did not express himself on social networks on the subject, but he did publish two visits he made: first to La Lucila and then to Ituzaingó. María Eugenia Vidal quoted a tweet from President Alberto Fernández And wrote: “Instead of reflecting on the causes of the Vice President and pressing justice, why not reflect on the dollar at $300 and the highest year-on-year inflation in the last 30 years?”

Patricia Bullrich also spoke: “Let’s be serious, president! We all know that the person responsible for the rise in the dollar is his government, with uncontrolled emissions and excessive spending. Take charge sometime!” Ricardo Lopez Murphy shared an image worth a dollar at $300 and tweeted: “Are you going to continue broadcasting?”

Another opposition figure who weighed in on the escalation of the foreign currency was Diego Santilli but through different videos that went viral. she made it to via Tik Tok, social network that today is used by more than 11 million Argentines. On this platform, the national deputy makes comparisons of how much was bought with $1,000 in 2018 and how much is bought now.

The video in which he shows the contrast of “Roast 2018” vs. “Roast 2022” It is the one with the most views with almost 600,000. Instead, Jose Luis Espert With his particular style, he took a statement from Alberto Fernández to write: “I am embarrassed by this clown. What a way to say bullshit.” Javier Milei also shot: “’Not everything explodes because those who make trouble are inside the Government”.

What did they tweet from the ruling party? The day the dollar hit $317, Silvia Batakis wrote her first tweet as minister of Economy: “I met with mayors from the province of Buenos Aires, officials and legislators to work together on the challenges that lie ahead.” Alberto Fernández did not refer to the economy from his social networks, but directly in different acts on his agenda.

Cristina Kirchner, for his part, neither did he refer to the rise in the dollaronly shared a video about the Supreme Court of Justice under the text: “From the exemplary Court to the Court of the four: brief chronicle of decadence”.

The president’s spokesperson, Gabriela Cerruttiin a live broadcast on Instagram, made a particular analysis of the media coverage of the Dolar blue: “I was asking the other day,it is legal for all the media to permanently publish the price of something that is illegal? It is as if I were to say that the newspaper is going to publish that if you buy a normal car part, it is worth so much. Now, if you buy it fake or smuggled, it’s worth that much. Is that okay, for it to be published this way?” The foregoing is proof that although the media did not echo, the discussion would also exist in the networks.

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