Dolf Jansen pissed off after questions about climate hypocrisy: ‘He is furious’

Dolf Jansen is quite pissed off at De Telegraaf, because the newspaper has asked him questions about his climate hypocrisy. “He flies to and from Ireland all the time because he has a house there.”

© NPO, SBS 6

Comedian Dolf Jansen is unhappy that De Telegraaf has confronted him with his flying hobby. In fact, he’s even pissed off about it. “Do you have a fight with Dolf Jansen, do I understand that correctly?” Wilfred Genee asked his talk show guest Wierd Duk last night in Today Inside.

Flying Dolphin

Wierd answers in the affirmative. “Well, we asked him for an article in De Telegraaf about why he flies so much. Not only to him, but also to a number of other people who are very committed to the climate, but who fly a lot.”

He continues: “We then also asked Dolf: ‘You fly up and down to Ireland all the time’, because he has a house there, and: ‘How do you reconcile that with your climate activism?’ Well, then I got a pretty angry email back and stuff. For a long time.”

‘We tremble’

Dolf has already announced his revenge, according to Wierd. “Now he announces that he will devote a column on the radio to ‘Telegraaf journalism’. Now, of course, we tremble with fear. The scourge of Dolf Jansen is going to descend on us.”

According to Wierd, there are an awful lot of such hypocrites. “If you look at the Instagram accounts of many of those young climate activists, you can see that they have been everywhere. They’ve been to more places than you or me. They fly all over the world and when they are in the Netherlands, they tie themselves to such a plane that is not allowed to take off.”

34 kilos

That is very hypocritical of course, says Wierd. “So we thought: we’re going to write something about that. Well, the kids find that very annoying, of course, because they think: caught! Well, then they shouldn’t fly so much, eh?”

René van der Gijp: “But that Dolf doesn’t have a chair, he only weighs 34 kilos, doesn’t he? He can just sit on someone else’s lap! It goes in the luggage hatch!”


Johan Derksen: “It is striking again: Dolf who has an opinion about everything and everyone and then gets angry. All of those childish people.”

Wierd: “We said: ‘You can go by boat, right?’ And then he said, “That boat pollutes just like that.” But we checked that again and it turns out not to be the case. So that’s not right either.”
