Dogs in the office, are they the future? One in two workers wants them… and one in 10 companies

Dto promoting productivity and creativity, to improving mood and relationships with colleagues, to reducing stress. There are many recognized advantages in welcoming four-legged friends into offices. Nevertheless still few companies in Italy seize this opportunity. And to think that not only 64% of owners would like it, but half of the workers, even non-owners, they believe that the presence of dogs improves the overall mood of the office (47%).

Dogs in the office, one worker in two wants them… and one company in 10 wants them

These are the results of the survey “Pet-friendly offices in today’s post-pandemic era”, conducted by SWG and commissioned by the Mars Group (Mars, Royal Canin and AniCura). The objective for which it was created is to open a discussion on the topic and encourage the adoption of pet-friendly policies on a large scale. But also sharing advice and guidelines on how to implement these practices.

The possibility of having your pet access the offices on a regular basis is currently a reality in only 1 company out of 10. In the remaining majority it is never allowed (55%) or no rules are established in this regard (27%). All this, despite 1 in 3 people, among those who do not own a dog, would like to enjoy the presence of pets in the office (33%). And even those who initially said they were against it (34%) would be willing to change their mind if dogs had clear spaces to access (32%). They were vaccinated (14%) OR the company had regulatory policies (12%).

How well do we know our dogs?  Five false myths to dispel

Wellbeing for workers and advantages for companies

Opening your offices to dogs would have positive consequences for both people and companies. Half of workers – whether they are “pet parents” or not – believe, in fact, that the presence of dogs improves the overall mood of the office (47%). Slightly lower percentages also believe that decrease stress (42%) and which favors opportunities for connection with colleagues (40%). Among other advantages, greater creativity (31%) and productivity (27%), but above all a more attractive company from a employer branding (30%).

As Yesim Ucelli, CEO of Mars Italia, explains. «Opening office doors to our dogs has a great impact on people’s well-being, but not only that. It also has positive effects for the company itself, which will be more appreciated for its ability to offer an innovative working environment. More attentive to work-life balance and the needs of its employees.” But the commitment – of Mars as of all animal lovers – is not limited to offices: workplaces are just one area of ​​action to make cities “Better Cities for Pets”.

«The pandemic has led us to reflect on our lives and the future of work, accelerating those changes that were already underway». This was recalled by Alessia Cappello, Councilor for Economic Development and Labor Policies of the Municipality of Milan. «Today people have new expectations and needs, they are increasingly looking for autonomy. And flexibility, to improve work-life balance, to be able to dedicate more time to themselves, to their family and, for those who have them, also to their four-legged friends. This inevitably makes it necessary to redefine traditional working models in order to promote people’s well-being.”

