Dogs and cats, what stresses them and how to help them relax

P.A loud noise, the unexpected arrival of some friends for dinner, or the sight of the pet carrier and the furry friend of the house disappears for hours and hours, in the grip of stress. Dogs and cats also suffer from it. And it is often linked to specific and sometimes predictable situations by the human family.

What are the most frequent causes and how do they manifest themselves? And how do you try to relieve furry friends? Feliway And Adaptilthe brands for the serenity of cats and dogs, asked fans of their respective online communities with an online survey on their social channels, over 1 million people, to put
fire the most common causes of passenger discomfort and how to deal with it.

Dogs and cats, what stresses them?

If irstrong moods, such as bangs or thunderstormsare the major cause of stress in dogs (42.8% of responses versus 35% of cats), it is the veterinary visit the source of agitation that, according to the survey, afflicts most cats (53.5% versus 28.5% of dogs). Lovers of domestic routine and their own spaces, Micio and Fido do not appreciate the presence of guests, parties or strangers who disturb the tranquility of the house: it is a cause of discomfort in particular for cats (42.5%) but also disturbs dogs (31%).

Holidays, human things

Likewise, the four-legged friends they prefer home life to any exotic beach. They are habitual and the human concept of “vacation” does not belong to them. They can tolerate it but, if they could speak, they would say “no thanks”. Traveling and commuting are a source of stress for 25% of cats as well as trips out of town for 21% of dogs.

Interpreting the signs to recognize stress

“It is necessary to understand the animal’s communication signals to recognize the discomfort,” he explains Sabrina Giussani, Veterinarian Expert in Animal Behavior and Past President of SISCA (Italian Society of Animal Behavior Sciences). In these situations, dogs and cats communicate with the body and vocalize fear and discomfort: it is important to recognize this state of discomfort to support them adequately. THEcrying, howling, and barking are the most common signs of discomfort (47.1%) in dogs, as well as panting, agitated walking back and forth or even loss of appetite (45.7% of respondents). There are dogs that react to stress by showing aggression (27%) and, to a lesser extent, hiding (14.3%). IS hiding, on the other hand, is the most common reaction to stress and fear in cats (70.4%), then there are those who pee out of the box (25.3%), those who are aggressive (20.7%), those who scratch more household items and stop eating (both behaviors reported by 9.4% of

Dog looking for cuddles invades the field during the game and becomes a web star

Stress changes “family” relationships

«Stress changes the mood of the dog and cat and, consequently, the relationship with the human referent changes. The dog becomes nagging in requests for help and struggles to find comfort while the cat isolates itself away from the family “. The change in the relationship with the human family is felt by 61.4% of those who live with a dog and by 35.6% of those who live with a cat. The dog follows the owner step by step or wants to stay in the arms (respectively 64.1% and 18% of those who find a change in the relationship), does not play or always asks to play (25%), isolates himself (25.6%) .

Different reaction in cats, which change their attitude on the front of the cuddles: 44% no longer seek contact and 20% seek it in excess, while 45.6% abandon the game and 30.4% no longer sleep with the owner. Dogs subjected to high stress often no longer respond to cuddles and attempts at distraction by the owner, while cats are very shy.

Small remedies for great friends

«To improve the quality of life and reduce stress for cats and dogs, it is necessary anticipate the triggering circumstance whenever possible by programming a
effective action plan », Giussani explains. Once the stressful moment has occurred, cuddling and talking are the most common way to lift the mood in cats (83.8%) and dogs (71.6%). A walk is also the remedy proposed by 19% of those who live with a dog, while those who find themselves comforting the cat focus on the invitation to play together (27.9%), on food rewards (26%) and on pheromones felines (19.9%).

How long does it take cats and dogs to restore quiet?

While most cats return to normal within minutes or an hour, a consistent 38.79% takes half a day or more to recover (38.79%). In the case of dogs, recovery in prolonged times, half a day or more, concerns 15% of respondents.

