Dog who took independent bus rides for years and became an ‘icon of Seattle’ died in her sleep | Instagram HLN

In 2015, Jeff Young, the owner of Van Eclipse, was leisurely smoking a cigarette in Seattle (US). That kept him from realizing that Eclipse—his sweet but impatient labrador—had boarded a bus himself. The bus left with Eclipse, but without Young. Fortunately, he found her a little later in the dog park. Apparently, Eclipse had recognized her usual park herself and got out of the bus in time.

The ride was not too bad for the dog, because the animal would make a habit of it afterwards. For about seven years, the dog rode a bus up to three times a week to walk itself at the same dog park each time. And so Eclipse quickly grew into everyone’s friend and a true icon.

Her owner started the Facebook page ‘Eclipse Seattle’s Bus Riding Dog’, where she gathered 122,000 followers. In addition, the labrador also participated in a promotional video of King County Metro, the transportation company in Seattle.

Unfortunately, Eclipse has now died “in her sleep” at the age of 10, her owner shares on her Facebook page. “You were loved by many and will never be forgotten, my dear.”
