Dog, if he suffers from panic attacks and separation anxiety

magaric it happens because, when he was a puppy, he spent the period of the pandemic with his masters in smartworking, and now he finds himself spending whole days alone. Or because the family balance has changed and the contact person is less present at home. But it may be enough that he remains alone for the time of an errand for him to have even very violent reactions. The dog suffering from separation anxiety can destroy an apartment, barking and howling for hours and without peace, distributing his needs everywhere.

To limit the damage to things and avoid problems with the neighbours, but above all to help the animal maintain a balance, which is fundamental for its health, some behaviors can be implemented. As you suggest Maria Chiara Catalani, veterinary surgeon (Recognized animal behavior expert FNOVIPresident SISCA – Italian Society of Applied Behavioral Sciences), consultant of mylavveterinary analysis laboratory.

Sweet detachment from the mother and autonomy from the master

«There are dogs that suffer from this problem when the family leaves the house leaving them really alone. And others who show anxiety even when they lose sight of their point of reference inside the house, if they cannot follow it physically or even with their eyes», explains the veterinarian. Usually, at the origin of this anxiety, there is a story: they are usually animals that have been detached too early or in a traumatic way from their mother.

Detachment that is often repeated when the puppy grows up and the attention that the family gave him decreases in intensity and quantity. «When you live with a puppy you are often inclined to pamper him continuously and even hold him a lot to protect him, ending up limiting his explorations» explains Catalani. «It is instead important to give him opportunities to experience his capacity for autonomy, doing so with the right method and the correct graduality and timing. In this way the dog will be used to being more independent and autonomous from an early age».

Separation anxiety in dogs: symptoms

Needs in unprepared places, broken objects, gutted sofas. These are the results of separation anxiety in dogs. Some, in addition or alternatively, may bark or howl non-stop for hours, forgetting to drink and rest because unable to calm down, overwhelmed by negative emotions. They fidget, sniff around, lick and nibble on objects to try and calm down. they have dysentery due to attacks of colitis and, in severe cases, panic.

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No to punishments and reproaches. Owner’s responsibilities

“All of this happens against the will of the animal, which would gladly avoid feeling so bad,” specifies the veterinarian. Because of this punishing or scolding the dog for the damage it has done, as if it were a spite against the owner who left it alone, is very wrong. “It’s not a spite at all, separation anxiety is instead an expression of a very deep unease”. For which the master himself is responsible. “Excessive dependence causes this reaction. The dog thinks he can’t survive without his family. It is enough to understand this to understand how harmful punishment or reprimand can be”.

The behaviors to adopt to help the dog in panic

The first rule is therefore, and above all in the first moments, to avoid reproaches. “Inhibiting or punishing anxiety symptoms causes the problem to worsen,” warns the vet. “Secondly, absolutely avoid any form of containment, such as locking the dog in a cage or in an empty room in order to limit the damage as much as possible,” warns the veterinarian.

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It is decidedly more useful to meet him, because the dog is suffering, and much more than the owner who also calculates the material damage. «It is useful to ask for help from a relative or a dog sitter to minimize the time the dog will spend alone», advises Catalani. «And, even more fundamental, is to contact your trusted veterinary doctor as soon as possible, who will be able to give you the most valid advice and help according to your needs».

