Dog demonstration in front of the Berlin House of Representatives

Otherwise there will be arguments and bickering in the House of Representatives, on Thursday there will be barking and growling in front of it. Dog demonstration at the Berlin Parliament!

For weeks, masters and mistresses in the capital have been particularly annoyed by one topic: the new dog register. Since January 1st they have had to register their four-legged friends in the dog register. Cost: 17.50 to 26.50 euros.

Dozens of dog owners want to be in front of the House of Representatives from 9 a.m. on Thursday morning to hand over a petition to the parliamentarians to abolish the register. 18,000 have already signed.

They no longer need to convince one: FDP parliamentary group leader Sebastian Czaja (38). The politician has been drumming against the dog register since the beginning of the year.

FDP faction leader Sebastian Czaja (38) also signed the petition to abolish the new register (Photo: christian lohse)
FDP faction leader Sebastian Czaja (38) also signed the petition to abolish the new register (Photo: christian lohse)

“That’s superfluous,” says Czaja. “If the Senate really wanted to get an overview of the dogs, they could fall back on existing, free platforms.”

Not only are Czaja outraged by the additional costs for dog owners, but also by the Senate’s spending. They are quite considerable, his query revealed.

“For the services associated with setting up the register, GovConnect GmbH receives a one-off flat rate of EUR 109,760.00 plus the applicable sales tax,” says Markus Kamrad (51, Greens), State Secretary in the environmental administration.

“For the administrative management of the register, GovConnect GmbH will receive a profit and risk allowance of EUR 40,181.72 per year plus the applicable sales tax during the four-year contract period.”

also read

►FDP wants to abolish new dog register

►Senate barks all Berlin dog owners to checkout

The fees also flow in full to the company – according to Kamrad, they cover the costs “for technical operation and keeping the register. Therefore, the state of Berlin does not receive any income from the operation of the dog register.”

Czaja fumes: “That’s the definition of excessive and completely unnecessary bureaucracy.”
