Does Zwevegem amend construction plans for the Municipal Park?

Does Zwevegem amend construction plans for the Municipal Park?

The spatial implementation plan, against which more than 200 objections were submitted, will be discussed at the city council tonight. The mayor of Zwevegem is not yet showing his cards. Wim Monteyne, party leader N-VA Zwevegem: “The RUP was started in the previous legislature, but then there was no question of the building heights that are now foreseen: 24 meters. That actually corresponds to 8 storeys.”

The empty coach house, an outbuilding of the old town hall, and the old fire brigade buildings must also be demolished. Marc Doutreluingne, mayor of Zwevegem: “N-VA was on the board in 2018, helped to launch the RUP Gemeentepark, or rather its relaunch. And co-approved the scooping memorandum, the process memorandum, and fully agreed with the new development in or on the edge of the park.

The public inquiry of the RUP ran last summer, when about 200 objections were submitted. Géry Gevaert, retired priest: “People are going to throw that coach house away and plant a seven-storey building there. Then that town hall will disappear like a dwarf with a giant. With all the consequences that entails. With a traffic jam around this park, more pollution and even more wireless electromagnetic radiation.”

The park plans are on the agenda of the city council tonight.
