Does your computer not support the new Windows? The restriction can be circumvented super easily

The strict hardware requirements set for Windows 11 are not necessarily a problem.

The easiest way to bypass Windows device restrictions is with just one command. Adobe Stock

Many were surprised when Microsoft announced Windows 11. Others no less than twice. First of all, many people liked Windows 10 as the “last Windows”, because Microsoft gave a little hint in this direction.

For the second time, jaws dropped when Microsoft announced the extremely strict hardware requirements for Windows 11. Many even brand new processors were not compatible with the new operating system. In addition, the requirements included a tpm2.0 security module.

In practice, following the artificial restrictions set by Microsoft would have meant that Windows 10 is for many the last stage before the forced purchase of a new device. So if the intention is to keep using Windows.

Here’s how to get around the restriction

Another, better option is to bypass Microsoft’s restrictions with a single command.

Although the operation is not part of the official recommendations of the Redmond giant, installing Windows 11 on an “incompatible” device has not caused any known problems so far.

Open a command line with administrator rights and enter the command setup.exe /product server to start the Windows 11 installation or upgrade process.

For installation, you need the Windows 11 iso installation disc. You can download it directly from Microsoft. The aforementioned command only works from the Windows 11 installation folder.
