Does your cat suddenly have a hard piece in its fur? You can do this

Do you suddenly discover a hard piece in your cat’s fur? How is that possible? There is a good chance that it is felting. And that’s seriously something to keep an eye on.

Hard piece in cat’s fur

It all starts with a tangle. Just like your hair, your cat’s can get tangled. Sometimes cats can’t get rid of those tangles by washing their fur. More and more hairs then get tangled in it. Eventually a kind of hard placard is created: felt.

Causes of felting

If you discover this in your cat, it is important to pay attention. It could be that your cat has something to do with it. Maybe your cat is old and he can no longer reach everything while washing, for example because it hurts. Risk spots are the armpits and the back of the back, just above the tail.

Overweight cats are also less flexible. In addition, felting can be related to bladder problems or bad teeth.

There’s no need to panic right away, but if you suspect something is wrong with your cat, it’s always a good idea to consult your vet.

This is how you help your cat get rid of the felt spot

In any case, it is important to help your cat, because a felt spot can be painful for your pet. The skin under the felt spot pulls tight, which makes moving painful. The spot also closes off the skin, making it a hotbed for parasites underneath.

Yaks! So comb well. The best way to do this is with a comb with iron teeth. But be careful, because it can be painful.

Does your cat have large felt spots? Then leave it to a professional cat grooming salon. They know what to do with the fur of your cat.

keep combing

Has the felt spot been removed? Then of course you want to prevent it from returning. Therefore, comb your cat regularly. And try to keep an eye on whether he washes everywhere, or maybe he has some mobility problems.

Source: Breederpetfood

June 6, 2022
