Does Vladimir Putin really use a double? Artificial intelligence figured it out

A Japanese television channel tried to find out using artificial intelligence whether the videos of the Russian president actually show one and the same man.

According to an analysis made by the Japanese TV channel TBS, there is a very high probability that Russian President Vladimir Putin uses doppelgangers.

citing the TBS report of The Sun according to May, the real Putin appeared in the Victory Day parade on Moscow’s Red Square.

However, according to AI analysis, this Putin was not the same one who visited the Crimean bridge last winter. Based on the analysis, the facial compatibility of these two men was only 53 percent.

Is this Putin’s double? When visiting the bridge in Crimea, the similarity to the real Putin was 53 percent, according to artificial intelligence. Russian pool / Reuters

According to TBS, the face of Putin who visited the occupied Mariupol in Ukraine in March matched only 40% of the face of the believed-to-be-authentic Putin, but only 18% of the “Putin” who visited the Crimean bridge.

Video of Putin’s visit to Mariupol. The face matches the real Putin 40 percent and the Putin who visited the Crimean bridge 18 percent. Eyepress/Reuters

For comparison: According to video analysis, the Putins who met Chinese President Xi Jinping and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko were one and the same person with a 94 percent probability.

Putin and Alexander Lukashenko met in April. Lukashenko complained that Putin looked tired. Russian pool / Reuters

According to The Sun, which quotes the report, it is likely that Putin has had at least two different doubles.

The voice and walking style also raise suspicions

In addition to the face, TBS analyzes Putin’s voice with the help of artificial intelligence. Although a person’s voice can sound very different in different circumstances, the result of this analysis was that Putin’s way of speaking and ways of emphasizing different words changed between different occasions more than is normal.

– The probability that these voices belong to different people is high, TBS voice expert Mutsutoshi Muraoka stated.

Using artificial intelligence, the Japanese also analyzed the body language and general movement of Putin and those believed to be his doubles.

Based on TBS’s analysis, the walking styles of Putin, who was considered authentic, and the men suspected of being doppelgängers matched 86 and 75 percent, respectively. On the other hand, the mutual walking style of possible twin creatures was only 69% identical.

Russia has denied the existence of Putin’s doubles.

This is what Putin looked like when he met Xi in Moscow last March. Russian pool / Reuters

Sources: The Sun, Metro
