does VI star puke on gentlemen from Even Tot Hier?

Johan Derksen and his colleague René van der Gijp were taken to task in the satirical TV hit of the Netherlands, Even Tot Hier. What does he think of that? Does he throw up on the duo Niels and Jeroen?

© SBS 6

The Even Tot Hier duo Jeroen Woe and Niels van der Laan do not want to be messed with. They are among the big stars of BNNVARA and defend their broadcaster and affiliated parties tooth and nail. When Gerard Joling was recently critical of Frans Timmermans, they almost tried to cancel him. And now they are putting the men of VI on a spit.

Snicker films

Johan Derksen and René van der Gijp have spoken really scathingly about Khalid & Sophie and, as collegial as they are, Jeroen and Niels stand up for them. They really made fun of the VI gentlemen on Saturday evening by depicting them naked with a very small penis. In response to all those snicker films in VI.

What does Johan think of such a reaction? Does he find that a bit disgusting? No. Actually, he doesn’t have much of a problem with it, says the football expert in front of the camera Show news.

No effort

Johan initially doesn’t even know what it is about. “I didn’t see that, no. How so? Was it our turn? Oh yes, but I don’t mind that. I have an opinion about everyone and they can say anything about me.”

The reporter: “Yes, they were going to reenact that you had played pranks on Merel and her touchscreen. Then they photoshopped a photo of you and René naked and you were very small.”

Johan: “Well, I think it was a real photo of me! Hahaha.”

“Reality, people!”

Hélène Hendriks, who is standing next to Johan, can laugh about it. “Reality people! Yes!”

The reporter: “But you can have it?”

Johan: “No, that makes you laugh. You have to have some self-mockery. We have a big mouth and then we would have stepped on our toes? Oh no, I don’t care about that, I’ll just go my own way.”
