Does the repeat election now tilt?

By Stephen Peter

After the election chaos of 2021, is there now also a risk of chaos over the repeat election? The date scheduled for February 12th may have to be postponed at short notice!

After the judgment of the Berlin Constitutional Court, it was actually clear: Because of the many mishaps, the elections to the House of Representatives and to the district assemblies (BVV) had to be repeated throughout Berlin. The election campaign has long since begun, and the first election posters are put up on the night of January 2nd.

But suddenly the date set for the repeat election on February 12 is no longer certain. Reason: 43 plaintiffs are contesting the judgment of the constitutional judges. Reason: It is unfair to have the entire city vote again if there have not been major breakdowns in all districts. You have therefore lodged a complaint against the Berlin judgment with the Federal Constitutional Court.

Karlsruhe did not immediately reject this complaint, as expected, but instead asked all those involved to comment by January 10th. Means: Possibly the Federal Constitutional Court will hear whether repeat elections are legal at all!

The 43 plaintiffs include politicians from the SPD, Left, FDP and Greens. Hardly any of them want to talk to the press. “We don’t want to harass the Federal Constitutional Court,” said one of the plaintiffs to BZ. Possible scenario: If the Federal Constitutional Court accepts the lawsuit, it could order an urgent decision to postpone the repeat election before the case is finally decided. “Otherwise there is a risk that the election will be declared invalid afterwards. Then the chaos would be even bigger.”

Kevin Hönicke (38, SPD), Deputy Mayor in Lichtenberg, has also complained. In contrast to his fellow campaigners, he speaks publicly about his motives: “Since the 2021 election worked well in Lichtenberg, I cannot understand why the election should be repeated in all districts,” said the politician to the BZ “In the federal elections Yes, do it differently.

Lichtenberg's Deputy Mayor Kevin Hönicke (38, SPD) emphasizes:

Lichtenberg’s Deputy Mayor Kevin Hönicke (SPD) Photo: Ufuk Ukta

In his district, he is still preparing for repeat elections. “If the Federal Constitutional Court follows our lawsuit, the preparations would be unnecessary, but the State Constitutional Court must then justify it,” says Hönicke.

The CDU and AfD have criticized the constitutional complaint. “An exciting prevention coalition has come together to prevent the new election,” said CDU General Secretary Stefan Evers (43). “The fear of losing mandates should play a significant role,” speculates AfD parliamentary group leader Kristin Brinker (50).
