Does Susana Giménez return to the theater?

The news quickly spread through the media: Susana Gimenez returns to the theater, starring Judas skin in Uruguay. But, so far, the only thing confirmed is the debut, the rest (days of performances, schedules, months on the bill) will be defined on Monday 9, at the key meeting that the diva’s producer will have, Gustav Yankelevich, with the authorities of Enjoy Punta del Este.

Everything indicates that the final announcement will be made next week. Although, as NOTICIAS was able to confirm, the details that Yankelevich gave about the work and the functions, although they have been officially negotiated with the hotel, have not yet been defined.

The producer told in a radio interview that the cast that will accompany Susana will be made up of Antonio Grimau Y David Masajnikand the Uruguayans Sebastian Slepovich Y Patricia Alvarez. And I would add a well-known actress, whose name was not revealed. He also revealed that the debut will be the last week of June and that the performances will take place on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in Enjoy Punta del Este. In principle, until September.

Perhaps, the producer’s enthusiasm led him to confirm many details that have not yet been defined with Enjoy. Although, surely, the fact of having Susana on her billboard during the winter is reason enough to give Yankelevich the ok next week.

It is worth remembering that the Argentine diva is installed and based in Uruguaya country that she likes and where she spends a large part of the year, on her farm, accompanied by her dogs and her brother.

by RN

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