Does Raphael Guerreiro still have a future at BVB?

In terms of football, Raphael Guerreiro has long been considered one of the best players in the Borussia Dortmund squad. Recently, however, doubts about the Portuguese ex-European champion have increased. A separation from BVB is not excluded.

After all, after a mixed season with Borussia Dortmund, things went a little better for Raphael Guerreiro in the international phase. The BVB left-back made two appearances for his Portuguese team in the Nations League.

In the Iberian duel against Spain, the 2016 European champions, with Guerreiro in the starting line-up, drew 1-1 after falling behind. A sovereign 2-0 victory was achieved against the Czech Republic.

In the two duels with Switzerland (4-0, 0-1), Guerreiro was rested by national coach Fernando Santos.

Raphael Guerreiro frequently injured at BVB

The 28-year-old also had one or two breaks at BVB last season – inevitably because he was once again plagued by several muscle injuries.

Since there was also an infection with the corona virus in March, Guerreiro only made 28 competitive appearances.

If Raphael Guerreiro is fit, then he also plays – this credo has applied at BVB in principle since his commitment from FC Lorient in the summer of 2016. “We know his qualities. He can set up and score goals,” praised coach Marco Rose, who has since been fired protégé last fall.

Worst regular player of BVB

With strong performances, the only 1.70 meter small professional with the pronounced offensive urge has recently underpinned his status less and less.

Nine goal participations were again in Guerreiro’s statistics in 2021/2022. However, his weaknesses in the backward movement more and more often outshined the offensive yield. Rather listless appearances like the 3: 4 home debacle against VfL Bochum became the rule from the exception.

The trade magazine “kicker” punished Guerreiro for his slump in performance with an average score of 3.89 for the season – the worst of all BVB regulars.

BVB: Doubts about Raphael Guerreiro are growing

Internally, too, doubts are said to be growing about the sloppy genius, who is undoubtedly one of the best footballers in the Dortmund squad on good days.

The club-affiliated “Ruhr Nachrichten” repeatedly reported on rumors about Guerreiro’s only partially professional lifestyle.

His possibly related injury susceptibility is keeping the BVB bosses from making him an offer to extend his contract, which expires in 2023. Guerreiro responded to the allegations with an ironic reply on Twitter.

The introverted professional last commented on his future in February. “If another big club comes, I’ll think about it, of course. But I currently see my future in Dortmund and not somewhere else,” he told “Sport Bild” at the time.

It is not yet known whether Guerreiro will use his upcoming vacation to get clarity about his plans (and for BVB).

Raphael Guerreiro traded at FC Barcelona

It seems clear that if a top club from abroad made a valuable offer for Guerreiro, BVB would be willing to talk. Especially since with David Raum the alleged Dortmund solution for the left defensive side would be very expensive.

However, concrete speculation about Guerreiro’s future is rare. In May, the Spanish media discussed FC Barcelona as a possible buyer. For the financially troubled Catalans, other personal details, such as the hoped-for transfer from Robert Lewandowski, should currently have a higher priority.

Paris Saint-Germain, who in 2019 had dealt intensively with Guerreiro’s commitment, as he himself later confirmed, meanwhile has no need for the left-back position.

Madrid, Milan and the rest of Europe’s soccer capitals are also likely to have noticed Guerreiro’s steeply declining form curve and his ongoing health problems.

Tobias Knoop
