Does Giffey stay because there is no alternative for her?

From Hildburg Bruns

She stays despite the loss. At least for now. Also because there is no alternative to Franziska Giffey (44) in the second row of the Berlin SPD.

Or is it? A rumor pops up. Kevin Kühnert (33), General Secretary of the federal party for a good year and already very experienced in talk shows, is said to have kept an eye on the executive chair in the Red City Hall.

Kevin Kühnert on his way to his new look on November 21st

Kevin Kühnert, SPD General Secretary Photo: picture alliance / Eibner-Pressefoto | Uwe Koch/Eibner press photo

“That’s absolute quark!” Denies his spokesman Fabian Weißbarth (35) to the BZ And his former boss, MP Melanie Kühnemann (50), for whom Kühnert headed the constituency office for years, says: “No, no, no! “

Fact is: There are currently no resignation requests.

Because even the permanent substitute Andreas Geisel (56) could not step in – he is politically responsible for the election chaos and made a serious mistake because he did not admit this for weeks. And Stephan Schwarz (57), currently the best senator in the SPD squad, does not even formally have a party book.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (64, SPD) once again backed his Berlin governor on Tuesday: “Franziska Giffey is a politician who acts really trustingly.” Red saves in Berlin.

Only the youngsters from the Berlin party, the Jusos, have so far committed themselves to red-green-red. After the meeting of her national association, Giffey herself only spoke of a tendency in her party.
