does bashing Philip and Maarten go too far?

Özcan Akyol thinks it goes far too far that a TV expert like Aran Bade is now calling for an immediate, early departure of De Slimste Mens. “I find it extremely hysterical.”


For a while it was not about anything other than the departure of Maarten van Rossem and Philip Freriks, but those two are still there now. Are these reruns that we are still watching? No, the men will continue until the summer of 2025, but apparently all of that had to be discussed years in advance. A bit weird.

Very false

TV experts now say that the urgency of The Slimste Mens is over and show expert Aran Bade is even calling for the duo’s immediate departure. And Özcan Akyol thinks that is very false. “This is the result of several things. Many media websites read a few messages on Facebook and X and turn them into a message.”

According to Tina Nijkamp, ​​the viewing figures of De Slimste Mens are lower than before, but according to Özcan that is comparing apples and oranges. “Viewer figures keep making comparisons with last year, while this is clearly not scientific. There are new testing methods.”

‘Extremely hysterical’

Özcan thinks Tina is just shouting. “Circumstances also determine whether someone watches a lot or a little. Last year, for example, there was a World Cup in the winter. That determined the figures of many channels. I find it extremely hysterical. In Hilversum, the figures who make so-called analyzes do not think in terms of impact or social importance.”

All those TV experts keep repeating each other and the presenter of Sterren op het Doek does not agree. “It’s quite obscene. It’s one thing that it happens, but the fact that so many people believe in it is the worst thing for me.”
