Does a dog fart too much on a plane?

A dog like this French bulldog made the air thick on the plane

A dog like this French bulldog made the air thick on the plane Photo: picture alliance/Daniel A. Anderson/ZUMA Press Wire

From the BZ editorial team

Rectal vapors are really not a highlight – especially not when they come from animals…

New Zealand couple Gill and Warren Press want their plane ticket money back after they allegedly had to endure a fart from a service dog. They sat next to the animal and its owner on the plane from Paris to New Zealand. According to her, the dog made noises for 13 hours, drooled all over Warren’s leg and, to top it off, gave off foul-smelling fumes, as the New York Post reports.

“I heard this noise – a heavy snorting sound,” Gill told New Zealand media Stuff, adding that she originally thought it was coming from her husband’s phone before realizing it was a dog’s difficulty breathing .

To explain: It was a dog with an extremely short nose. These species-inappropriate breeds hardly get any air and constantly wheeze.

The four-legged friend had to survive the 13-hour flight in the footwell, as the aisle had to remain clear simply because of the airline’s serving trolleys. The Singapore Airlines flight attendants apparently offered the couple to sit in the only available seats – the back row of economy class. But they didn’t want to give up their luxury places. Until halfway through the trip the fart smell got too bad…

Now they want their money back for the tickets. The airline apologized, but so far only offered a 116 euro voucher. That’s probably still a lot of trouble…


Airplane Dog Strange News
