Dodental van overstromingen in Italië loopt op tot negen | Buitenland

Hevige Regenval veroorzaakt overstromingen and modderstromen in Emilia-Romagna in the Marche, on the Adriatic Sea. In the first region, the situation is dramatic, with names in the provinces of Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena, Rimini and Bologna. The result of the fire in Faenza, Cesena and Forlì, but also in the two cities that were hit.

The hulpdiensten zijn masssaal op de been om mensen te evacueren. Zoesten ze in Cesena, waar de rivier Savio uit hair oevers trad, tientallen mensen redden the vastzaten op daken.

In total traden 21 van de 23 rivierieren in Emilia-Romagna buiten hun oevers, then he was in 37 common overstromingen goods. The authorities register also 250 aardverschuivingen, warn 120 with serious consequences. Bonaccini spoke of “ongelofelijke aantallen en zeer veel geëvacueerden”.

Volgens de civiele bescherming Zitten 50,000 people zonder stroom and zowat 100,000 zonder mobile connection. The regional transport company is fully limited.
