Dodental na schietpartij in Thaise kinderopvang opgelopen tot 36, or like 24 children

A previous political agent was issued on the day he was placed in a children’s day of the year in the Northeastern province of Nong Bua Lamphu. Report Thaise media op gezag van de politie. At the shooting party there were 36 men and women, but also 22 children.

Hij sloeg toe with a weeer en steekwapen, en beroofde zichzelf daarna van het leven. Hij zou daarbij ook zijn vrouw en kind gedood hebben. Volgens plaatselijke media was the ex-agent last year ontslagen because of a positive drug test and if this is the case before the right move.

Wapenwetten is relatively strict in Thailand, but the land is extremely bad, with enormous amounts of illegal money being spread in the country in shambles for conflicts in Buurlanden. In 2020, he also had another soldier who, after a mishap, had a vast good deal, had 29 men.

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De politie held even a klopjacht op de dader, which later zelf uit het leven stapte.Beeld AFP
