Dodental hurricane Ian loopt op tot 77, 1 miljoen mensen nog steeds zonder stroom | Buitenland

Vooral Florida will be hit. There are also many other slaughterhouses that are considered 66. There are many others in North Carolina.

It’s Wednesday, toen Ian aan land kwam in Florida, zitten still old ruim een ​​miljoen mensen in de zonder stroom state. Verzekeraars shadow de shame in Florida op zeker 63 million dollars, omgerekend ruim 64 million euros. Sommige kustplaatsen zijn completely verwoest, zo is te zien op Luchtbeelden van CNN.

Are lately lost is Ian veel aan kracht. The storm is moving momentarily over Virginia in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean, because it is being warned by the American National Weather Service in the loop of Zondagochtend gaat liggen.

For the additional states there are no problems with the army. The National Weather Service warns that the day in het spoor van Ian hard blijft rainen, what local tot overstromingen can suffer. In Florida, the next week, rekening houses with overflowing, will mean that the river will have to heb al het rainwater after the Voeren.
