Dodental door storm Ciarán in Europe loops op tot 15 | Buitenland

Het dodental na de doortocht van de storm Ciarán in Europe is opgelopen dead 15. In Portugal, three cafeterias have come to a ship, report local authorities.

For the Portuguese art, the storm on the Atlantic Ocean is a new drama. Three people knew about the leven toen a zeilboot onder Deense vlag shipbreuk leed. The two men and one woman are on the beach in the center of the country. The Leeftijd and the nationality of the slachtoffers are still not known.

KIJK. Vijfjarig child overleden in Zwijnaarde door storm Ciarán

In Italy, many people still have two rains in the Toscane region. Last night, according to the local authorities, the popular tourist region was still overflowing and the rain was recorded.

He from the gisters also two dodelijke ongevallen in ons land plaats. A 5-year-old child from Oekraïense came and a 64-year-old German tourist lived in Ghent. Ook in France many twee doden. In Netherlands, Germany and Spain there is a person who lives in the same room.

Lees ook: Had KMI code rood wanted to be available for storm Ciarán? Weerman David Dehenauw puts uit waarom niet (+)
