Dode en four twisted bij schietpartij in Kerk in Californië | Buitenland

At a shooting party in a presbyterian church in Laguna Woods in the southern part of the American state of California, there was a person from whom he lived and four women were born. A suspicion is packed and a coat of arms is taken into custody. This shows the policy of Orange County.

The policy reports that there is an incident in Laguna Woods, that 16,000 residents are told, four people are two people and one person is overwhelmed. One person didn’t have a clear contract. All battles were full and brought to the Ziekenhuis. The authorities have not yet reported about the possible motie of the debris.

Volgens een wordvoerder van de politie zou de schietpartij in het Kerkgebouw hebben Plaatsgevonden. “We’re trying to do something about what we’re doing right now,” he says.

The incident happened one day at the shooting party in Buffalo in the state of New York. Daar opende day a white 18-year-old man het vuur in a supermarket in an overWeighing village. He many tien doden en three wound. The Schutter, due to the authority of a right-wing extremist, was complained about for a racist motive. Eleven van de dertien slachtoffers were Black Americans.

De brandweer near the church. ©AP

The shooting party in the Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods plaats.

The shooting party in the Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods plaats. ©AP
