Documentary series: “World Cup of Shame” – one year later

Sport Inside

As of: October 30, 2023 9:59 p.m

Almost a year has passed since the World Cup in Qatar. What remains of FIFA’s promises? How are migrant workers doing today? The fifth part of the award-winning documentary series “World Cup of Shame” provides answers.

“The best World Cup of all time,” With this sentence, FIFA President Gianni Infantino invoked the importance of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar well before the start.

But that wasn’t the only promise that the world association and the Qatari organizers linked to the first World Cup in the Arab region. The FIFA World Cup, which polarized football fans worldwide like no other football tournament before it, was intended to promote social change in the emirate, promote football in the region and improve the working and living conditions of hundreds of thousands of migrant workers.

Today the country is no longer the focus of global interest. The organizers are hailing the tournament as a success. But in the meantime, Qatar is making other headlines: alleged bribery of EU politicians in Brussels and a wiretapping scandal in Switzerland.

Award-winning documentary series

In the fifth part of the WDR Sport Inside documentary series “World Cup of Shame” Authors Benjamin Best and Robert Kempe show what remains of the promises a year after the tournament. The summary sports show report on the latest episode can now be accessed online.

ARD will show the complete documentary on linear television on Wednesday (November 1st, 2023) from 11:45 p.m. after the live broadcast of the DFB Cup game between 1. FC Saarbrücken and FC Bayern Munich.

More than six million views

Part 5 follows parts 1 to 4 of the documentary from October 2022. The first four parts of “World Cup of Shame” achieved over 6.3 million views/plays/viewers across various platforms.

The four-part documentary looked at FIFA’s opaque procurement practices, the inhumane conditions of guest workers and the political strategy that Qatar pursued with the World Cup from different thematic perspectives. The documentary series was awarded the Austrian television award “Romy” in the “Best Documentary TV/Stream” category in September 2023.
