Doctors want to work on merging Bruges hospitals

Doctors want to work on merging Bruges hospitals

On December 12, 2019, the two hospitals in Bruges committed themselves to joining forces. They work closely together through various associations to be able to optimally offer local, regional and extra-regional care. Now is the time to start working on a real merger, the doctors say. They will set up a joint administrative body and draw up a roadmap.

According to the doctors, a merger of the Bruges hospitals offers important benefits for patients, general practitioners, hospitals and society.

In various central cities in Flanders, hospitals have taken the step towards mergers and economies of scale. This is also the case in West Flanders, including AZ Delta in Roeselare and AZ Groeninge in Kortrijk. Ostend is also preparing a merger of the two hospitals. And so Bruges should not be left behind, according to the doctors.
