Doctors and patients ask again for a registry of those affected


10/02/2023 at 2:44 p.m.


First anniversary of the Spanish Research Network on persistent COVID (REiCOP), made up of 66 scientific entities, 8 patient groups and more than 270 individual experts

First anniversary of the Spanish Research Network in COVID persistent (REiCOP), made up of 66 scientific entities, 8 patient groups and more than 270 individual experts. It is one of the research reference groups in Long COVID of the national territory. Its objective: to improve care for a group of patients – an estimated 10% – who have suffered a SARS-CoV-2 infection and are suffering from disabling symptoms. Among the demands of professionals and patients, once again, that Spain has a registry of those affected and that these be appropriately diagnosed, recorded and coded“.

The president of REiCOP, Pilar Rodríguez Ledo, and representatives of this collaborative networkmet this Monday at the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG), where, after three and a half years of work, on September 8, 2022, they were established as a scientific association. The meeting was to commemorate this first year of life with the launch of a visibility campaign, and the reading and presentation of the ‘Declaration of El Escorial’.

“The pandemic has not ended and cannot leave behind a group of patients as important as this one,” says Dr. Rodríguez Ledo.

“The pandemic has not ended and it cannot leave behind a group of patients as important as this one,” Dr. Rodríguez Ledo began by saying. Patients who have requested that their follow-up be maintained, that they not be excluded socially and professionally and that their return to normality is facilitated so as not to fall into oblivion.

Because, they have insisted, covid is still among us and there are 10% of those who were infected who still have lasting consequences beyond four weeks from acute infection and even twelve weeks since the beginning of those symptoms.

Guidelines for action

The declaration presented today – which emerged in the Summer courses at the Complutense University of Madrid– is a document prepared within REiCOP that aims to collect the main needs regarding persistent covid. It consists of ten demands. The first pass for the recognition of the disease. Furthermore, it is indicated that it is necessary for public administrations to agree on guidelines for action that homogenize assistance and “are applied equitably, guaranteeing accessibility to appropriate health care“.

Experts ask to measure the socio-health and public health problem and, finally, allocate the appropriate resources

It also advocates for the “adequate identification of affected people of all ages and genders, without leaving anyone behind and because diagnosed patients are “recorded and coded appropriately to improve the individual approach; and also to be able to dimension the socio-sanitary and public health problem and, finally, allocate appropriate resources“.

Experts also claim establish care flows and care circuits that guarantee compliance with the agreed recommendations and constitute “multi and interdisciplinary teamswho work under a shared assistance model.” Other aspects that they highlight are the need to recognize the disabilities and disabilities of people affected by persistent covid or support and finance the investigation of the illness.
