Doctor, sometimes I have trouble hearing well: how do I know if I need a hearing aid?

The earphones They are prostheses that amplify, in the ear, the frequency of the sounds that reach us. Wearing them, when our hearing has been reduced, avoids social isolation, since it allows all sounds to access our understanding. But how do we know if our hearing is poor?

According to Dr. Zenaida Piñeiro, specialist in otorhinolaryngology at Clínica Corachan, “when words are not understood despite hearing sounds, for example, in a place with background noise, such as a cafeteria or a bustling environment, that is a alert to take into account.” Another is “if they always ask ‘what’ so they repeat to us what they just told us,” she adds.

In general, the tests that we can do at home can give us a clue. If there is one ear that hears worse than the other, such as, for example, we move the phone on its side. But all frequencies should always be looked at using audiometry to detect how much and how our hearing fails.

If low hearing is suspected, you should go directly to the otorhinolaryngology consultation. If this is not possible, we must ask our family doctor to refer us to a specialist.

Accurate tests

Typically, tonal audiometry in the cabin (tones or beeps) and verbal audiometry (logo audiometry – with words to see intelligibility) are the tests performed to confirm the lack of hearing.

Depending on the results of both ears, we will know if the hearing loss is unilateral or bilateral, in just one ear or in both, or in both but with very or slightly different levels. Above all, the otorhinolaryngologist will inform and advise on the need to wear a hearing aid in one or both ears.

Regarding the possible difference in the degrees of hearing loss, Dr. Piñeiro explains that in the case of presbycusis, hearing loss due to age, this usually occurs in both ears, that is, a symmetrical loss. But in other pathologies, it may be that one ear has worse hearing than the other.


Always going to an otorhinolaryngology specialist to confirm the hearing loss and its level in both ears is the main recommendation of the experts, instead of going directly to a hearing aid store, on the street, without going through the examination in consultation with a health professional.

The otorhinolaryngologist, based on the results, will inform us of the cause and degree of hearing loss, and will assess the most appropriate treatment. If you need hearing aids, yes, to adjust them, evaluate the type of hearing aid or the different ranges of theseaudiologists or hearing care professionals will be able to help us, already from the establishments where the hearing aids are purchased.

Main causes of hearing loss

Among the main causes of hearing loss is presbycusis, which is hearing loss due to the aging of the ear cells, which begins around age 50. The presence of earwax plugs is another cause of hearing loss. Plugs can cause loss of up to 40% of hearing capacity, although they do not hurt and you do not even notice the sensation of being plugged. Chronic otitis media – ear infections – also cause hearing loss.

They can be caused by perforations, frequent suppurations or ears already operated on for cholesteatoma, which can be a complication of the infection. Otosclerosis may also be behind hearing loss. It is the most common hereditary disease in women that manifests itself as asymmetrical transmissive hearing loss, more in one ear than the other, but it is usually bilateral.

As Dr. Zenaida Piñeiro recalls, “the ear that is not stimulated will always be more difficult to amplify in the event that the loss is progressive, for example, due to age. For this reason, we should not wait until we have severe losses to adapt, that is, the stimulation of the ear with the hearing aid must be early, since in this way we rehabilitate or train the hearing that we have left.”
