Doctor calls to continue giving corona shots: ‘Highest peak ever’

We have all been sniffling again in recent weeks. There are currently more people walking around with corona than ever before. However, people who want to be vaccinated should be quick, because Friday is the last day that the corona shot can be obtained. Incomprehensible so close to Christmas, says virologist Jean-Luc Murk of the Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital in Tilburg. “That shot can prevent many hospital admissions.”

Profile photo of Jan Peels

The number of corona infections has been increasing rapidly in recent days, as shown by the number of virus particles in sewage water. “We have now measured at least one and a half times as many virus particles than was previously the case,” says Murk. This means that we have the largest corona wave since the outbreak of the virus.

“I can imagine that many people still want to get a shot.”

However, that is now a lot less worrying. Most people have built up quite a bit of immunity in recent years and that is why it is quiet in hospitals. For example, there are currently eighteen people in the hospital in Tilburg who have the virus, but two-thirds of them are there for another reason.

The virologist hopes that this will still be the case after Christmas. Since October, risk groups have been able to be vaccinated again, but that extra vaccination round ends on Friday. “Half of that group has been vaccinated again,” says Murk. “But I can easily imagine that many other people will be shocked by that enormous peak and still want to get the shot.”

In view of the Christmas holidays, when we will gather en masse, he calls on the minister to continue vaccinating for a while. “I think that shot should remain available. Because at least three-quarters of hospital admissions can be prevented this way.”

“Use common sense and don’t endanger vulnerable people.”

In the meantime, he advises people who are having second thoughts to get the corona shot on Friday. And if you are sick, he recommends staying away from vulnerable people at Christmas. “And if you do go, keep your distance, wash your hands and put on a face mask,” says Murk. Even if your corona test is negative. “Because there is all kinds of things going around. So use your common sense when you are sick and don’t endanger vulnerable people.”
