Doctolib will invest 300 million euros to enrich its tools

As part of the presentation of its action plan for 2022, Doctolib announcement (pdf) an investment of 300 million euros in Italy, Germany and France. More than 80% of these investments will be dedicated to enriching its already existing solutions and creating new services.

An investment that will allow the creation of three new services …

In 2021, the Doctolib company reached a milestone, in particular thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic. It was the victim of its own success when Oliver Véran, calling for a booster dose, caused heavy traffic to the platform causing a temporary server failure.

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Building on this success, the company wishes to offer new tools and services for healthcare professionals. ” In 2022, as since the creation of Doctolib 8 years ago, we will continue to offer useful and reliable innovations to health personnel and patients to have a positive impact on access to health in France and in Europe. »Explains Stanislas Niox-Chateau, co-founder of Doctolib.

First, a new suite of services around consultation management, patient services and hospital / city relations will be designed for hospitals. Next, medical and administrative software for doctors called Doctolib Médecin will be developed. It will allow the medical follow-up of patients as well as the administrative and financial management of the practice. Finally, Doctolib Team will be a tool for coordinating care between healthcare professionals. This platform will be created at the request of caregivers to allow them to exchange easily and free of charge with their colleagues. Doctolib Team will be available before summer 2022.

… and which will strengthen the tools already present

In 2021, Doctolib experienced a significant acceleration in its growth. 300,000 healthcare professionals are now users of the platform, a third of them joined during the year. Two thirds of these caregivers work outside the 20 largest French cities, demonstrating coverage throughout the country. 60 million patients use Doctolib in France, Germany and Italy, countries where Doctolib has acquired, its Italian equivalent.

One of Doctolib’s areas of improvement will be the confidentiality of user data, which is announced as the firm’s priority. It thus wishes to double the size of its team of cybersecurity experts, obtain ISO 27001 certification (which demonstrates that a structure has set up an effective Information Security Management System) and obtain confirmation from the State Council for the Compliance and Effectiveness of the Conditions for Hosting User Data.

Finally, Doctolib wants to dematerialize health documents, and in particular medical prescriptions. It aims to go from two million dematerialized documents to six million during the year 2022.


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