Doc – In your hands 3: the cast and actors of the new season

«NIt doesn’t matter how much it hurts. Every memory is precious.” The incipit of the promo of Doc – In your hands 3in rotation on Rai 1 and published on socialgives a taste of what the new season of the series will be like with Luca Argentero, also showing a partially renewed cast. The main theme of the 16 episodes – broadcast from Thursday 11 January for 8 episodes – it will be the memory. While waiting to find out what will happen, on RaiPlay the first two episodes are available as a preview.

“Doc – In your hands 3” surprise: the first two episodes will be in cinemas

Doc – In your hands 3the cast between news and confirmations

After overcoming a coma following a gunshot to the head and after accepting that he had lost 12 years of memory, Andrea Fanti is facing new challenges. In the second season she faced the pandemic. Now there are other problems, but in the meantime he has returned to his role as head of Internal Medicine at the Policlinico Ambrosiano in Milan.

Luca Argentero is Andrea Fanti

«The third season has an arduous task, that of maintaining the level of the first two», declared Luca Argentero on the sidelines of the press conference. «The theme is the management of power. He immediately comes up against the importance of being profitable. The problem is that Putting money and health in the same sentence is jarring. It is inevitable that there will be a clash».

And while he is struggling with the accounts and possible solutions to better manage the department, his personal life undergoes a big shakeup. A memory of those twelve years that were erased by the shot comes to mind. It’s just a flashback, but he decides to investigate to understand if the memory can return permanently.

Sara Lazzaro is Agnese Tiberi

Next to Andrea is Agnese (Lazzaro), his ex-wife as well as colleague. When he woke up from a coma, he remembered nothing of the end of their marriage. She was the one who told him how things went, to explain to him that he was a different man, dedicated only to work, absent as a husband and father. And it was always she who revealed to him about the death of his son Mattia.

In recent years, Fanti has taken control of his life, blindly believing the words of his ex-wife, with whom he now has a peaceful relationship. Agnes, However, she wasn’t entirely sincere. And now a hidden truth emergessomething that has been kept silent perhaps for the good of all, but which could upset the balance.

“Doc – In your hands 3”, Sara Lazzaro is Agnese Tiberi. (Virginia Bettoja)

Matilde Gioli is Giulia Giordano (divided between Doc and Damiano)

Andrea can also count on the support of Giulia (Gioli), excellent colleague, prepared and clear in moments of difficulty. At least the professional ones. What Doc (the nickname with which he is called Fanti) what he doesn’t remember is that they were in a relationship until before the accident.

When Andrea returned to the ward and realized that he didn’t remember anything about their story, Giulia he took a step back. Despite the pain of that interrupted love, she behaved with integrity. Little at a time, he turned the page. She did it with Lorenzo (Gianmarco Saurino), who died in the second season during the most difficult weeks of the pandemic.

In that time Damiano Cesconi was close to her (Marco Rossetti), the colleague who was most distant from her, but who later proved to be an important point of reference. And now that Andrea risks recovering her memories, she herself questions her feelings perhaps for both of them. Is she ready to deal with the past?

“Doc – In your hands 3”, Matilde Gioli is Giulia Giordano. (Virginia Bettoja)

Pierpaolo Spollon is Riccardo Bonvenga

And then there is Riccardo Bonvenga (Spollon). At the end of the second season said goodbye to Alba (Silvia Mazzieri), who died following liver failure caused by a drug. He returns to the department after a period of leave and is about to begin his final year as a resident.

He’s going through a difficult time. He has to deal with anxiety, stress and panic attacks. He doesn’t talk about it to anyone, but his actions will reveal that something is wrong. Furthermore, he has to take care of the new arrivals.

“Doc – In your hands 3”, Pierpaolo Spollon. (Virginia Bettoja)

The new characters of Doc – In your hands 3

There are several new entries by Doc – In your hands 3. Among those announced, the new residents. Future doctors enrolled in the department, who work alongside the residents and older colleagues, always under the watchful eye of Andrea Fanti. Each of them has a complex story, which will emerge over the course of the episodes.

Giacomo Giorgio is Federico Lentini

Federico Lentini arrives in the department. For him, medicine was an obvious path. Son of a luminary from Milanhas always attended exclusive schools and companies. He chose medicine with the aim of becoming an ophthalmologist like his father and one day taking over his clinic.

The father, in turn, will agree to one condition: in addition to the degree, he must spend a period of training in various departments, including that of Internal Medicine at the Ambrosiano Polyclinic. Despite the premises, Federico is not interested in a career. He still lives like a teenager and in his life there is only room for funto be shown on social media.

His watchwords are: friends, girls and travel. However, so does he hides shadows. And perhaps life in the ward will be able to change him. For Giacomo Giorgio this is a new adventure after the success of Sea outsidein which he played Ciro Ricci, followed by We are legend And For Elisa: the Claps case.

In “Doc – In your hands 3”, Giacomo Giorgio is Federico Lentini. (Virginia Bettoja)

Laura Cravedi is Martina Carelli

Federico is opposed by Martina Carelli (Laura Cravedi). It represents excellence: good, empathetic, intuitive, prepared. The doctor anyone would like to meet. Well behind the veneer of perfection hides a secret which could have major consequences on his career. She is also feared by Riccardo, with whom she initially doesn’t have good blood. Who knows, however, that things may not change over the course of the episodes.

Elisa Wong is Lin Wang in “Doc – In Your Hands 3”. (Virginia Bettoja)

Elisa Wong plays Lin Wang

In the end, Lin Wang (Elisa Wong). Milanese of Chinese origins, his parents own a chain of department stores of the Lombardy capital. Lin, however, never wanted to follow their path and chose medicine. Her enlightenment came when she was still a child, following her mother’s illness, she had to take matters into her own hands, acting as an interpreter between doctors and parents. From that moment on, her goal was to help others.

She is the most shy and reserved of the residents. The only one to notice that there is more to the study than just studying is Federico, with whom he apparently has nothing in common. Even in this case, a relationship that could reserve quite a few surprises.

