Doc – in your hands 3: plot, cast previews of the second episode

Doc – in your hands 3 got off to a great start. Last Thursday, the first episode was watched by more than 5 million viewers. Results still lower than the 7 million that inaugurated the previous season, but Doctor Fanti (Luca Argentero) works. There’s no doubt about this.

“Doc – In your hands 3” the clip with Luca Argentero and Sara Lazzaro

The first memories come alive in Doc’s head. This spurs him to fight to get his past back. At the end of the first episode, the head doctor meets a woman who has been part of his life at the bar. Who is it about?? Up tonight Rai 1 at 9.30 pm Fanti will investigate. Meanwhile Agnes tries to chase away from her ex-husband any thoughts about her and Bramante (now in politics), while Giulia he confides in him that he wants to leave the Ambrosiano. How will Doc take it?

Doc – In your hands 3: the plot of the second episode

Beatrice is an orchestra conductor which has the honor of opening the season of the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. It’s the first time it’s happened to a woman. During the concert rehearsals, however, she felt ill and was admitted to the Ambrosiano in Milan, where she was followed by Dr. Fanti’s team (Luca Argentero). It may have been mild ischemia, but tests point to a kidney problem. Beatrice can no longer hold the concert. But perhaps Fanti has a solution in his pocket.

There are different patients in this second episode. There is the traveler and influencer Diego Bollini, idolized by Federico (James George), who can’t resist taking a selfie directly on the hospital bed; Laura, a young volleyball player who together with Riccardo (Pierpaolo Spollon) will be the protagonist of most exciting moment of the evening, and a baker, with a difficult relationship with his brother, affected by a rare disease. They slip into the midst of the patients’ stories the stories of our protagonistsinterns and Doc, looking for a woman who is part of his past.

Is Giulia still in love with Doc?

Andrea Fanti he is looking for the woman he met at the hospital bar at the end of the previous episode. So she gets Giulia to help her (Matilde Gioli), by Agnese (Sarah Lazarus) and from the hospital archive. It should be a certain one Mara Carontewho opened a tailor’s shop. Doc decides to meet her because it might jog his memory. Reluctantly she discovers that the woman had abandoned her career as a doctor because of her. Giulia accompanies him to the meeting and also encourages him to go to the choir competition evening dedicated to son Mattia.

Giulia is increasingly closer to Fanti and further and further away from Damiano (Marco Ferretti). In fact, the doctor clearly tells his colleague that he needs time. «I won’t wait for you like Lorenzo – Damiano replies – and he tries not to hurt you too much». Is Giulia still falling in love with Andrea? Meanwhile he decides to confess to Fanti that he is preparing for a competition as head doctor in another hospital facility. Doc doesn’t take it very well.

Matilde Gioli and Luca Argentero. (Rai press office)

Federico feels inadequate in the Doc department

During the episode we will discover some more details about the interns. Federico Lentini (Giacomo Giorgio) feels out of place in that department where lives are saved and everyone is taken seriously. “It’s not for me,” he tells his colleagues. He just wants to be an ophthalmologist in his father’s office. He fails to take a blood sample, makes mistakes every time he tries to simulate a tracheotomy on a mannequin and gets stuck when he has to activate the defibrillator during the crisis of a man who has just arrived in hospital. THEIn short, it’s a disaster. But she will have to change her mind, also thanks to Lin’s encouragement (Elisa Wong).

Martina (Laura Cravedi) will instead demonstrate her value. His interventions are always appropriate and his diagnoses are almost always spot on. Riccardo suspects that the girl from the Brembana valley has a prompter and he will find out soon. During the episode, the tutor is the protagonist of a case that will focus on a principle on which Doctor Fanti’s philosophy is based: «Before being doctors, we are people who treat other people».

