Doc in your hands 3 on Rai 1: third episode plot, Gioli, Argentero

Tall episodes of the third season of Doc – in your hands they end with a sudden memory of Fanti. In last week’s final episode the head doctor remembers a brunette woman with whom he is making love. Who is it about? In this third episode (tonight at 9.30pm on Rai 1) Andrea absolutely wants to find outwith or without the help of Giulia and Agnese.

“Doc – In your hands 3” the clip with Luca Argentero and Sara Lazzaro

Meanwhile, new patients arrive in the ward, struggling with serious health problems and with doubts about traditional medicine. Fanti tries in every way to convince young Rita to undergo chemotherapy for lung cancer. In this episode we go back in time, to 2019, when Giulia and Andrea start dating.

Doc – in your hands 3: plot of the third episode

During a birthday party for her 20th birthday Rita feels ill, struggling to breathe. The diagnosis months earlier was adenocarcinoma of the lungs, but the young woman, under the influence of her father, follows the therapy of a certain Doctor Lambert, a disbarred French doctor. Andrea Fanti (Luca Argentero) takes Rita’s case to heart and tries in every way to convince her to undergo chemotherapy and believe official medicine. Rita is stubborn and signs for voluntary resignation.

At the Ambrosiano internal medicine department there is also room for some flirtation between colleagues. Martina (Laura Cravedi) has fallen in love with her tutor (Pierpaolo Spollon), and Lin is no exception (Elisa Wong) who asks the boss for advice on a swimming pool nearby. Riccardo offers to accompany her. And Martina shows jealous. At least this appears in the eyes of the resident Federico (James George).

During the episode we also witness a flashback which takes us back to 2019. We see each other again in action Lorenzo (Gianmarco Saurino) and Giulia (Matilde Gioli), when he starts seeing Dr. Fanti.

The mysterious woman in Dr. Fanti’s life

While trying to convince Rita to rely on official medicine to solve her health problems, Fanti wonders about the brunette in the center of his erotic memory. Who is that woman? Was it important to him? Did he cheat on Agnese during the period of his illness? There are many questions that the head doctor asks himself, but above all: is it a false memory or is that mysterious woman really part of his life?

Doc investigates, and tries to do so by talking to Agnese and Giulia. Giulia also wants to clear up a doubt: Is she Fanti’s only woman after Agnese or not? Doc is able to go back in time and return to the hotel room he “saw” in his memory.

Yes, it’s all true, he had a relationship with a dark-haired woman, who he will soon meet again. She will tell him who the woman of her life is and that he must not let her slip away; the woman who does not represent her past, but much more.

Matilde Gioli and Luca Argentero. (Photo Virginia Bettoja)

The increasingly close relationship between Martina and Riccardo

Beyond affairs of the heart, Martina he continues to demonstrate his abilities as a doctor in the case of Angelo, a practically orphaned boy (he says) who contracts tuberculous meningitis. It is Martina herself who diagnoses it, and also manages to support her tutor Riccardo during an anxiety crisis.

However, the girl has a secret that she can no longer keep inside and which she wants to confess to Doc. The consequences could be disastrous for her career: will he have the courage to throw away the internship?

Pierpaolo Spollon. (Virginia Bettoja)

Doc – in your hands 4 it will do

To the delight of fans, the fourth season of Doc – in your hands it will do. Maria Pia Ammirati, director of Rai Fiction, declared this in a recent interview. The absence of Doctor Fanti, alias Luca Argentero. “Luca must be there and he will be there,” she said. Good news, therefore, while waiting for the last episodes of the third season and the remake made in USA of medical drama Italian.

The American version will have a female protagonistDr. Amy Elias (played by Molly Parker), head of the internal medicine department at Westside Hospital in Minneapolis.

