Dobby’s grave from ‘Harry Potter’ series may have to move to another location in Wales | Abroad

The fictional grave of the character Dobby, known from the ‘Harry Potter’ film series, may soon have to move to another location in Wales. The reason? The large number of fans who come to visit the grave has a negative impact on nature.

Several years ago, some fans decided that Dobby should be given a grave, like in the ‘Harry Potter’ movies. Every year more and more people seem to find their way to the grave in the dunes in Prembrokeshire in south west Wales. The grave is strewn with socks and sweet messages addressed to the elf. For those who wonder aloud: “Why socks?” Harry Potter rescues Dobby with a sock from Master Lucius Malfoy.

The large number of tourists has a negative impact on nature, according to the National Trust that preserves the heritage. “The grave is a creation that is in constant flux with an impact on the landscape and is open to discussion,” said a National Trust spokesperson.

The organization has sent out a general survey about Freshwater Fresh Beach. One of the questions is whether the grave should be removed or transferred to a “suitable publicly accessible location”.
