Do you think there will be an improvement in Berlin’s citizen registration offices?

View of a waiting room in the Berlin Citizens' Registration Office in Pankow

View of a waiting room in the Berlin Citizens’ Registration Office in Pankow Photo: picture alliance/dpa

From the BZ editorial team

It’s a tiresome Berlin issue, the non-functioning administration. Above all, the citizen service leaves a lot to be desired in the capital.

Every Berliner knows it: It takes a lot of effort to get hold of an appointment at the Citizens’ Registration Office, among other things, to extend an ID card or to change your registration.

Many parties promised an improvement before the election. The CDU advertised with the slogan “Berlin, you must finally function”. What do you think? Can the future Senate solve the administrative problem?

Here is the answer to the last question. We wanted to know from you: Do you think it’s good that “topless” is now allowed for women in Berlin’s swimming pools? The result: 45 percent of the participants (2195 votes) think yes, every woman should decide for herself. 36 percent (1744) say no and 18 percent (935) don’t really care.


Citizens office question of the day
