Do you suffer from work stress? Symptoms and advice from the psychologist to detect and reduce it

06/06/2022 at 11:40


The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized work stress as a disease since 2019, and it is an ailment that ends up having a negative impact on both physical and mental health

Stress is a physiological reaction that triggers different defense mechanisms so that we can face threatening situations or situations that require more effort. And the truth is that defined in this way we could think that there is nothing wrong with having stress.

The problem arises when stress levels are too high and can become a state that makes daily life difficult, directly affecting both physical and mental health.

We can get stressed for many reasons, but one of the most repeated in consultations and in any conversation is work.

In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially recognized work stress as a disease, understanding it as a collective and not an individual problem, since it affects workers of any profession.

Not only does it have effects on health, but it also directly influences productivity, decreasing performance and, in many cases, increasing work absenteeism.

As explained by the BluaU Sanitas psychologist, Dr. Raquel Velasco:

  • “Work stress is a symptom produced because it is difficult to disconnect from work, due to the number of hours worked or due to problems in work teams, and it ends up having a negative impact on physical and mental health. Therefore, it is important to identify the causes and the tools to prevent and detect it,”

Consequences of work stress

Suffering this type of stress increases the risk of presenting health problems, among them:

  • Cardiovascular problems.
  • Hypertension.
  • Muscle contractures.
  • Low moods.
  • Digestive problems.
  • Oral problems.

So much so that, according to the latest Sanitas Oral Health study, 1 in 4 workers considers that their work activity affects their oral health (27.29%), pointing to stress (68.48%) as the main cause.

The most common symptoms of stress are:

  • “irritability
  • The insomnia
  • the headaches
  • tachycardia
  • physical fatigue”

“These physical manifestations are often confused with other pathologies and, although they are not serious, it is important to treat them psychologically and emotionally to prevent or reduce the appearance of these unpleasant signs of stress and go to the source of the problem,” he adds. the psychologist.

Recommendations to reduce stress at work

In order to avoid these organic alterations caused by stress, Sanitas experts offer some tips for learning to manage work stress:

  • Locate what is the cause of work stress. To do this, psychologists recommend writing a diary in which to collect the moments with the most significant symptoms of stress and explore what they are associated with.
  • Create a work environment in which to feel comfortable. This is not always easy, but we must think that the place where we work is very important and can be one of the sources of stress.
  • learn to delegate the tasks that we can and distribute the responsibilities.
  • Have time to rest and set limits. For good mental health and good performance it is necessary to take breaks during the days. Also, planning vacations and outings can help us.
  • Learn to manage symptoms of stress. Whenever the symptoms of stress appear, it is best to control them. How? With exercises such as meditation, relaxation or playing sports.
  • Consult with a professional. In the event that the situation worsens and becomes uncontrollable, it is necessary to visit an expert psychologist who can develop a treatment adapted to each case.

Along with individual work, and in the hands of professionals, companies also play a fundamental role in guaranteeing the well-being of their workers.

More and more companies are implementing mental health plans that not only have a positive effect on employees, but also help improve performance.
