Do you sleep badly? Try to avoid these foods

For example, these five foods can cause major sleep disturbances:

1. Dark chocolate

Everyone understands that drinking coffee right before bedtime is not a good idea, but many people forget that chocolate has the same effect. Cocoa also contains caffeine and the higher the cocoa content and the darker the chocolate, the more caffeine the chocolate bar contains.

But don’t panic: you don’t have to miss your favorite dessert completely. Avoid dark chocolate four to five hours before going to sleep.

2. Tomato sauce

Tomato sauce and citrus fruits are high in acids, which can back up into your esophagus when your stomach tries to digest it. As a result, you can suffer from heartburn. It is not for nothing that they always eat pasta during lunch in Italy. This gives your body enough time to digest it.

3. Canned soup

To sleep well, it is important to stay hydrated. Dehydration can make your mouth and nasal passages dry, making you more likely to snore. This is a major sleep disruptor. Therefore, it is wise to drink plenty of water throughout the day and avoid foods high in sodium. That means you should eat less soy sauce, frozen meals or processed foods like canned soup.

4. Spicy Food

Spicy foods can cause heartburn, which can make you feel like the meal is coming back up every now and then. An unpleasant feeling, which means that you fall asleep less easily and sleep less deeply. So from now on take it easy with the hot sauce.

5. Alcohol

You would think a glass of Merlot would act as a ‘nightcap’, but alas. It keeps you from sleeping deeply. You wake up in the middle of the night and it makes you snore. So if you don’t sleep well and regularly drink some wine with dinner, it’s worth not doing this for a few weeks. Then see the difference.


March 13, 2022
