Do you remember these Only Life rumors?

The whole spectrum of emotions has been seen on the Only Life stage.

The first season of Only Life was seen in 2012. The artists of the season were Jonne Aaron, Neumann, Katri Helena, Cheek, Kaija Koo, Jari Sillanpää and Erin. ATTE KAJOVA

Beloved located in Hirvensalmi Only life -series has already presented new aspects of well-known Finnish artists in the season. The program has 13 seasons behind it, which also includes a lot of talked about scenes. The 14th season starts today.

Do you still remember these “Only life” rumors?

Cheek and a used sleeping bag

Already the first Vain lääää season in 2012 offered topics of conversation when the rap artist Cheek, aka Jare Tiihonen, refused to go into a used sleeping bag on Katri Helena’s day. The other star artists slipped into their sleeping bags for the meditation exercise, but the rapper was shaken by the mere thought.

– You’re going to sleep in a bag just like that? Cheek pondered as he stood next to the artists flopping around in sleeping bags.

The others watched with amusement the rapper’s mental battle against the sleeping bag.

Terhi Kokkonen’s departure passes

Terhi Kokkonen were seen in the season of Vain lääää filmed in Spain in 2018. However, for Kokkonen, the season was left unfinished. Mira Luodin on that day, Kokko was no longer seen in a joint activity. Kokkonen’s absence was not commented on in the episode.

At the dinner, however, Kokkonen performed the song his sister Paulina’s with. In the last scenes of the evening, Kokkonen’s place was empty.

It later turned out that Kokkonen was sent home from filming.

Terhi Kokkonen said that the production company wanted to dictate too much what kind of things the artists should reveal about themselves. Pete Anikari

Meira Noronen, the producer in charge of the program, commented at the time on the reasons for Kokkonen’s departure as follows:

– Filming week is really heavy and people experience it in different ways. The filming became more difficult day by day. The filming had to be finished with honor and that’s why such a decision had to be made, Noronen said.

Kokkonen opened the case later in an interview with Helsingin Sanomat.

– I imagined that it is in my hands, where I draw the line of what I speak. But a reality TV show like that doesn’t go like that, Kokkonen said in an interview.

Hynynen rounded off his speech

Jouni Hynynen previously said no to the Vain lämää production. Henri Kärkkäinen

Jouni Hynynen will be seen this fall in the season of Vain lääää, even though he had previously rejected the program and refused it. Hynynen told Iltalehti why.

– The truth is that I hadn’t seen a single season of Only Life or even one episode beforehand. To put it in Finnish, I had thought everything was bullshit, even though I hadn’t seen the program at all, Hynynen said.

Hector, aka Heikki Harma, also refused the program several times, although he didn’t bark at the format at the same time. Hector said no to the program four times, but joined the fifth season of the series.

– I have followed the series and I like it. Now, however, the group was just right. I must also say that I was pressured to join both from home and from music circles. The actual decision came when I talked to my son. He is a photographer by profession and he has collaborated with Chisu, for example. He said if I didn’t go now, I would regret it for a long time, and there wouldn’t necessarily be another opportunity, Hector reasoned.

In the beginning Vain lääää season, we will see Ellinoora (left), Jouni Hynynen, Janna Hurmerinta, Hätä-Miikka, Anna Puu, AW Yrjänä, Vicky Rosti and Robin. Henri Kärkkäinen

Relationship rumors

That of Erika Vikman and Jussi 69 Jyrki Linnankivin the spaces spoke in the fall of 2022. The two’s charged and intimate spaces did not go unnoticed by the other artists of the program.

The duo’s romance was talked about for a long time. Around the time of the program, Jyrki said publicly that he was a man in love, but did not name the object of his love.

Vikman told Jyrk about his feelings again on the rocker’s day in the Vain läää episode.

– I am totally dumbfounded by you, Erika confessed to Jyrk, whose personality, character, world of thought and whole being had made an indelible impression on the woman.

Jyrki 69 interpreted the song Etkö uskalla mua rakastaa on Erika Vikman’s day. Black sunglasses were not exceptionally seen on the singer’s eyes. Petri Aho

Music producer Gabi Hakanen told in August The 69 Eyes in the book (Like Kustannus) his own view of the relationship between the two. Thanks to Hakanen, Jyrki 69 participated in Vain lääää program.

In the book, Hakanen assures that the romance rumors between the artists were not “something made up by the record company”.

– I wouldn’t suggest anything like that out of the blue. I also never asked if they were dating or not. The matter was revealed to me when I went to Krapi’s workshop in Tuusula to see The 69 Eyes’ concert. Erika was also there, wearing a The 69 Eyes shirt. Then we saw Tikkurila at the Festival, where Erika had a gig. Erika arrived and Jyrki was riding with her. At this point it had already become clear to me that there was ‘something more’ between them. Then it spread to the media. Jyrki also talked about the topic, but Erika did not give any interviews about the topic. Good! Hakanen told in the book.

The relationship between Erika Vikman and Jyrki 69 spoke in the fall of 2022. Petri Aho

Only life on Nelose and Ruudu 8.9. from See program information at

Only life stars tell what surprised another artist.
