Do you remember Sauli Niinistö’s song “Six years of obedience”? Now Stubb also got his own song

Iltalehti asked artificial intelligence to compose a song for Alexander Stubb. Listen to the final result.

When Sauli Niinistö were published by those who were elected president of Finland at the time Maki Kolehmainen and Kurre Six years of obedience -song in honor of Niinistö’s election victory. The song became a topic of conversation and cult popularity, but perhaps not in the way the creators had hoped.

Alexander Stubb was elected the 13th president of Finland last Sunday, but this time no one released a winning song for him. Iltalehti decided to fix the issue and assigned the song to artificial intelligence.

This is how the song came about:

1. ChatGPT was given Iltalehti election night articles and Alexander Stubb’s Wikipedia page as source material. With the help of witches, the artificial intelligence was asked to write the lyrics to a song celebrating Stubb’s election as president.

2. The lyrics were not modified in any way, but were given as is to the Suno AI artificial intelligence, which was asked to compose an entire song around the lyrics. The genre was expected to be rock. Artificial intelligence overcame the desire for a genre and the end result is more like iskelmä rap.

3. The Midjourney artificial intelligence was given Stubb’s image as a model and was asked for an artistic image for the front of the new song. Stubb’s features can be seen in the resulting watercolor-like picture, although it is not a perfect portrait.

The end result was a finished song Our presidentwhich can be heard at the beginning of the story.

The image of the song was made with artificial intelligence. The title of the song was added to the picture afterwards. Midjourney / Iltalehti
