Do you pay the correct deductions for electricity, gas, district heating?

From BZ/dpa

Electricity, gas, district heating: Customers should be informed by their suppliers no later than when the energy price brakes come into force on March 1, which deductions will be due in the future. But are they correct?

Not all consumers have received the planned information letter from their suppliers about the entry into force of the energy price brakes. This is determined by the consumer advice center in Berlin.

And for some who have already received these letters, the calculated monthly deductions are many times higher than what should result from consumption, contract price and the respective price brake, according to the Schleswig-Holstein consumer center (VZSH).

Check letters – adjust deductions if necessary

The VZSH therefore advises those affected to check the information given in the letter carefully.

“If the proposed deduction is significantly too high or low, consumers can adjust the deduction,” says Carina Habeck, energy law officer at VZSH. This must be based on the consumption of the previous year, the current consumption price and the price brake.

assistance an online calculator from the consumer advice centres it is possible to check whether the deductions have been calculated correctly.

The price brakes are already taken into account there. If the energy supplier’s new deductions deviate significantly from this, consumers should immediately inform their supplier in writing and ask them to correct the calculation.
