‘Do you like Vincent Karremans?’

Hélène Hendriks asked table guest Raymond Mens in her talk show De Oranjezomer last night whether he thinks the Rotterdam alderman Vincent Karremans is ‘a hottie’.

© SBS 6

Just because he likes men, Raymond Mens is constantly confronted everywhere with the question of whether he finds certain gentlemen ‘nice’ or ‘attractive’. Last week he had to admit to De Oranjezomer that Özcan Akyol is not his type and last night he was asked if he feels something about Rotterdam alderman Vincent Karremans.

On white horse

Vincent is mentioned by some as a possible candidate to succeed Mark Rutte. Rutger Castricum says about this in the talk show: “I also think that’s a nice one. That is a kind of clone of Rutte, to be honest. He also lets everything slip away and also laughs everything away, so the question is whether the Netherlands is looking forward to that now.”

Political reporter Merel Ek: “95 percent of the Netherlands does not know this man, so it is a big risk as a party. That is an alderman in Rotterdam and best known for his slick campaign films on the white horse.”

Nice thing

Then Hélène shows the statue in which Vincent is half naked on a horse. “It’s not for young viewers this, is it?”

Merel: “He is seen as a talent within the party.”

Hélène: “Would he be suitable, Raymond?”

Raymond: “Yes, I think so. By the way, I think it will be Dilan.”

Hélène teasingly: “You like it, I think, don’t you?”

Not nice

Raymond reacts sportively. “A tasty thing? But every time you ask, I say, “That’s not my type.” And then I get messages from people afterwards: ‘That’s not nice of you to say that either.’ So: a really nice thing! I received another app from Mark Kampers last week: ‘That’s not nice either!’”

Angela de Jong: “You don’t get these kinds of questions at Op1, do you?”

Rutger: “But why don’t you like this thing? This is quite a nice thing, isn’t it?”

‘not my type’

Raymond: “It’s not my type. First – I know him – he’s a little big for me; that becomes very awkward.”

Angela: “Isn’t that nice? A tall guy?”

Raymond: “It could be interesting for the VVD. I think Dilan is going to be forward, but you never know if he’s going to give it a try.”

Rutger a little later: “Raymond, would you do me?”
