Do you have to hold an event with tanks during the war in Ukraine?

1/2 Director Erik van den Dungen (photo: Jos Verkuijlen).

It is the largest gathering of German war material in the world: Militracks, this weekend in the War Museum in Overloon. The event can continue again, for the first time after the corona period. But also with mixed feelings now that a war is raging in Ukraine. In any case, there is no reason not to let the event go ahead, says museum director Erik van den Dungen.

Profile picture of Jos Verkuijlen

“This event is about vehicle technology,” explains Van den Dungen. “I don’t think you should make the relationship between vehicle technology and the war in Ukraine too sharp.”

During Militracks, more than forty German vehicles from the Second World War can be seen in action. Including some tanks. With images from Ukraine of Russian tanks, you can imagine that it is not appropriate to hold such an event now.

“This gives a mixed feeling.”

“That is certainly double,” says the museum director. “We already discussed this with the participants a few months ago. But let’s keep it going. There is great interest in the event. I don’t think the fact that a war is breaking out should be a reason to cancel an event. That’s not how the world works. Life goes on. Just not there in Ukraine. That’s harsh.”

One of the participants is Robby van Sambeek from Oploo. He will be driving around in a unique German tank this weekend. “It’s definitely doubly with what’s going on in Ukraine,” he says. “But we should also not forget what happened here in World War II. If you forget something, it can just happen again. And we don’t want that.”

“Proceeds from rides to aid Ukraine.”

“But we are doing something with the war in Ukraine,” says Van den Dungen. During the event, people can ride on the vehicles for a fee. “We use those proceeds entirely for aid to Ukraine. In March we already sent two trucks full of relief goods to the country.”

Militracks is on 14 and 15 May in the War Museum in Overloon. Saturday is already sold out.


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