Do you have a request for help? Annette knows exactly where to go in Zoetermeer

Everyone can sometimes use a helping hand, whether this is in the field of finances, health, living or, for example, participating in society. It can be quite difficult to know exactly where to go with your request for help. Fortunately, Zoetermeer has a very accessible central organization for this: inZet.

Don’t know inZet yet? It is the central entrance for Zoetermeer residents with a request for help. It is in fact a partnership of nine organizations and five partners, each with its own specialism. For example, you can easily contact various care providers in the following areas with your care or request for help:

  • Money and administration
  • Living and environment
  • Health and balance
  • Family and relationships
  • Participate in society

This passionate team is ready for you

Annette Costerman Boodt has been involved with inZet from the start and is now at the helm of ‘Team Access’. A social job like this is made for her. “I used to work in psychiatry and as an activity supervisor. I have already seen many target groups pass by, from people with a disability to people with an addiction and from young to older people. In fact, everything comes together at inZet. I really like the fact that I can also mean something to people in my job.”

The Access team is the first point of contact for inZet Zoetermeers with a request for help. “Everyone in our team was hired specifically because they have experience with various target groups,” explains Annette. “They are also fully aware of the social map in Zoetermeer, so they know exactly where people can best go.” Good, because that is sometimes difficult to estimate yourself. “You are no longer sent from pillar to post. If you want, an appointment can be booked for you directly with the right organization.”

Ring the bell: with big problems and small questions

You can go to inZet with all kinds of things you encounter in life. Think of psychological complaints, grief, a limitation or a lack of activities, movement or meaning. As a carer, you can often use some guidance.

“We are currently receiving a lot of requests for help in the field of housing,” says Annette. “From young people who just can’t get away from the parental home to people who don’t know how to arrange everything around the house after a divorce. Financial concerns are also playing an increasingly important role these days.”

“Even if you do not yet experience your concerns as a major problem, I would certainly advise you to raise the alarm”, Annette would like to emphasize. “You are always welcome here with questions, big or small. There are a lot of organizations that can help you.”

Success stories

Even though you may experience it that way, you are certainly not the only one with a request for help, Annette knows. She has already seen countless people from Zoetermeer pass by, one story even more impressive than the other. “I sometimes think of a boy who was on sick leave because he was bullied at work. Every week we had a cup of coffee together and discussed his new possibilities. Suddenly he knew: he wanted to become a bicycle repairman. With some help from one of our organisations, he started training and now he is doing very well, he has even become a team leader, I heard. We really see people blossom!”

You can go here

Could you or a loved one also use some guidelines? The help from bet is completely free of charge and without obligation. You do not need a referral and can simply call, fill in a contact form or simply drop by at one of the six walk-in locations.

Also commit yourself to fellow citizens

Have you become enthusiastic about Annette’s story and are you looking for a nice job in the heart of the neighbourhood? on Bet’s website find the vacancies that are currently open. You can also find more information about the possibilities for volunteers here. In this way you can mean something to someone else in an accessible way, be active and develop your own talents. “It is a super fun organization where you learn a lot from each other through the cooperation of various parties,” says Annette.
