Do you feel heartburn or heartburn? This is gastroesophageal reflux, its causes and how to avoid it

04/21/2023 at 23:59


Reflux occurs when the cardia is not working properly. And although it is not a serious disease, if it is no longer a specific problem caused by some bad eating habit…

When we go too far with food and we take too much, or too strong foods, we can soon find ourselves with unwanted consequences.

They are the direct result of taking:

  • More amount of food than usual
  • More sweets
  • more alcohol
  • Sugary drinks.

But to the usual discomfort you can add what experts call gastroesophageal reflux, although for many it is only one more step in what is commonly called heartburn or heartburn.

  • Specialists from the Spanish Digestive System Foundation (FEAD) define gastroesophageal reflux as “the passage of stomach contents into the esophagus”, without this step having anything to do with nausea or vomiting.

This is something normal, which happens several times throughout the day without us even realizing it.

The complication comes when the amount of reflux is excessive. This is when they come problems and annoyances.

This is usually because the valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus, called the cardia, is not working properly.

Reflux causes very uncomfortable discomfort | Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Acidity and burning, main symptoms

  • The main symptoms of this pathology are two burning and acidity. Heartburn (burning) It is defined by digestive specialists as a “burning sensation that rises through the chest sometimes to the throat.”
  • Acid regurgitation (heartburn), “is the arrival in the mouth of an acid or bitter content”.

But they are not the only symptoms caused by those more abundant meals, with more fat, or by consuming more coffee than they should.

From the FEAD they point out that gastroesophageal reflux can cause:

  • Dysphagia (swallowing problems)
  • Chest pain
  • hoarseness or hoarseness
  • Cough.

Just by telling the specialist any of these symptoms, the doctor will easily diagnose gastroesophageal reflux.

In some cases, it may be necessary to perform a gastroscopy to determine if any complications have occurred or if another disease is suspected.

When reflux gets complicated

It is not a serious disease, but if it stops being a specific problem caused by a bad eating habit, it can cause more serious injuries.

From the FEAD they emphasize that the most common injuries derived from reflux are:

  • esophagitis: Burns that the acid content of the stomach can cause in the esophagus.
  • esophageal ulcer: when the burns are deep they cause ulcers that can become bleeding.
  • Stenosis: Scarring from both burns and ulcers can cause difficulty swallowing.
  • Barrett’s esophagus: pathology defined by specialists as the «modification of the surface of the esophagus».

How is gastroesophageal reflux treated?

There are a large number of drugs that can alleviate the discomfort caused by this pathology.

And also for those cases in which injuries could have been produced.

But it is essential in any case that a medical professional prescribe the medication and guide the best way to take it. In the most serious cases the surgery will be the solution.

The FEAD experts also indicate that if these discomforts are not continuous, but rather the reflux is somewhat sporadic, the best thing to do is avoid the habits that cause them (excessive consumption of fat, coffee or alcohol).

Recommendations to avoid gastroesophageal reflux

To avoid its appearance and thus get rid of the discomfort it causes, specialists from the Spanish Digestive System Foundation recommend:

  • Do not self-medicate. The use of antacids without a prescription can be counterproductive because, despite relieving symptoms, “it does not prevent complications.” It is best to go to a specialist.
  • Follow medical instructions. Taking the treatment prescribed by the doctor in an orderly manner and for the time indicated by the doctor is the most effective way to end reflux.
  • Avoid excesses. Do not abuse food or eat at the wrong time.
  • No alcohol or tobacco.
  • Avoid sleeping right after dinner. The best thing to do is to let a couple of hours pass before going to bed.
  • Avoid tight clothing.
  • Beware of being overweight.

And if the symptoms are more common at bedtime, raise the head of the bed can ease discomfort.
