Do we need more special units for other hotspots as well?

The numbers are impressive: the focal point officers were able to confiscate almost half a ton of drugs.  The most common are marijuana, cocaine and amphetamines.  There are also liquid drugs such as liquid ecstasy and a lot of tablets

The focal point police officers from Directorate 5 were able to confiscate almost half a ton of drugs Photo: Berlin Police

From the BZ editorial team

In Directorate 5, a special unit consisting of 81 police officers takes care of the five crime hotspots in the city center day and night. But there are more dangerous places in Berlin. Do we also need special forces there?

In Directorate 5, a special unit consisting of 81 police officers takes care of the five crime hotspots in the city center day and night. But there are more dangerous places in Berlin. Do we also need special forces there?


Focus Alexanderplatz BZ survey Drugs Police survey
